Travis “Trigga Trav” Rucker & Treasure “Keke” Sanford charged with sex trafficking of woman

37-year-old Travis Rucker, locally known as Nashville rapper “Trigga Trav” and 34-year-old Treasure “Keke” Sanford, owner of “Big Mama’s Kitchen” are now each charged with sex trafficking after a sting at a West End hotel. A woman who arrived at the hotel in the care of the couple says was made her a victim of human trafficking, with Rucker serving as her pimp and controlling all money received from prostitution deals arranged by Rucker and Sanford. Sanford also picked out the clothing for the victim to wear and posted the ads online arranging meetings for men to pay her for sex and they would both respond to texts and messages on her behalf.

Jocelyn Barney charged with DUI in downtown Nashville

23-year-old Joycelyn Barney told officers she “swerved to avoid an animal in the road” when she crashed her silver Hyundai Elantra in downtown Nashville at 3:30 a.m. Sunday. Officers observed both she and a passenger sustained injuries, and while there were no animals in the area of downtown Nashville, there was a large concrete barricade that she struck. She stated they were coming from Ainsworth, and admitted to consuming “a few” mixed drinks containing tequila prior to driving. Due to her extreme level of intoxication, she was charged with DUI.

Aisha Williams rolled up her sleeves, chest bumped an officer & said “I am about that honey, believe me!”

Police say 36-year-old Aisha Williams was trespassing at a retirement community in Madison on Friday and when she refused to leave they attempted to place her under arrest as she was recording them. They claim she “chest bumped” an officer, rolled up her sleeves, assumed an aggressive fighting stance, and stated: “I am about that honey, believe me, I am about that!!” She continued to aggress toward officers and pull her hands away from being cuffed until she was tased into compliance.

Jacquelyne Moore arrested after being bounced from multiple Broadway Bars in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police say 25-year-old Jacquelyne Anne Moore was kicked out of several consecutive bars on Broadway in downtown Nashville and came to their attention from her conduct. She was given the option of leaving the area with her friend but refused. Due to her continued aggressive behavior with citizens and obvious state of public intoxication, she was taken into custody.

DUI: Ryan Taugher claims he’s just waiting on his Chipolte, police say he’s too drunk to drive

28-year-old Ryan Taugher was driving a blue Mercedes in North Nashville Friday and parked at the Chipotle on Rosa L. Parks Blvd when police encountered the vehicle, parked partially in the striped handicapped area. Officers approached the car and Taugher stated he was waiting for his order. He admitted to drinking “3 or 4 mimosas” earlier, and police say he reeked of alcohol. He refused all testing and was transported to booking, charged with DUI.

DUI: Underage Ft. Campbell soldier Daunte Lalio urinates himself after trying to drive into oncoming traffic downtown

20-year-old Daunte Lalio was attempting to turn into head-on traffic on a one-way street in downtown Nashville just before 1 a.m. Sunday when a traffic officer blew his whistle, alerting him. He immediately reversed the vehicle and stopped. Officers approached the vehicle, and immediately observed him to be confused and intoxicated. He eventually admitted to being intoxicated and then urinated on himself while waiting on a blood draw at Metro General. His car was towed to the impound lot. He deleted his secondary IG account after being released from jail, which documented his underage drinking activities of the evening, but not before Scoop: Nashville archived it prior to his release.

DUI: Kyle Coolidge blows 0.229% BAC after crash

31-year-old Kyle Coolidge crashed into another driver at a red light just before 3 a.m. Sunday. He attempted to flee the scene multiple times, resulting in the other driver removing the keys from Coolridge’s possession. Coolridge then fell asleep in the time it took the police to arrive at the accident scene. He would eventually blow a 0.229% BAC and be charged with DUI.