Alexander Cresanta charged with public intoxication outside of Nashville Underground after starting fights

Metro Nashville Police encountered 30-year-old Alexander Cresanta outside Nashville Underground in downtown Nashville heavily intoxicated and threatening to harm Joshua Townsend. Police asked Cresanta to move along, however, he continued to make threats and display increasing intoxication, so he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Police take gun from teenager near airport hotel — Mohamed Kulolu Mohamed

Poice noticed 18-year-old Mohamed Kulolu Mohamed “aimlessly wandering” the area of 2300 Elm Hill Pike, The Residence Inn, on Sunday and approached him. He stated he was just waiting on a friend. Police observed an obvious imprint of a handgun in his hoodie and asked him what was in the pocket, to which Mohamed replied “what do you think?”, causing officers to immediately grab and retrieve the gun from the teen. A records check revealed the gun was reported as stolen, and marijuana was found on Mohamed during a search.

Tourist Wyatt Whitlock tosses large metal chair from Jason Aldean’s rooftop bar, striking woman below

21-year-old Wyatt Thomas Whitlock, of Newalla, OK, threw a large metal chair from the third story of Jason Aldean’s rooftop bar on Saturday, sticking a female in the head, who was on the sidewalk below. The victim, Madison Ferguson, suffered a severe laceration requiring medical treatment. Police located Whitlock, who was heavily intoxicated, and he stated he did it “by accident”. He is charged with felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Jadazia Terrell tells officers “don’t touch me until my baby daddy get here” — resisting arrest

20-year-old Jadazia Terrell reportedly pointed a gun a the staff of a Days Inn on Conference Drive. When police arrived, hotel staff pointed to her as she was walking down the stairs in the back of the building. Officers confronted her as she was being disorderly and yelling. The hotel owner claims she was the person who pointed the gun. As police attempted to pat her down for a weapon, she pulled away and screamed “don’t touch me until my baby daddy get here!” As officers attempted to place her in cuffs she struggled for several minutes and caused injuries to both hands of one of the officers.

Teenager Bobby Wayne Key vandalizes woman’s car, calls her a ‘snitch’

Melanie Rappette says she went to Coronado Court to meet with a cousin of 18-year-old Bobby Wayne Key. As she entered, Key was exiting and called her a “snitch” as they passed each other. About an hour later, she came outside and immediately noticed her vehicle was “damaged”, resulting in an estimate of over $1,600 to repair. Key texted the victim apologizing for the vandalism.

Flipping Music City CEO Lukas Ham pulls assault rifle on neighbor during street parking dispute

26-year-old Real Estate investor Lukas Ham, who owns Flipping Music City / Modern Investments, was jailed over the weekend after the baby-faced CEO reportedly popped his trunk and pulled an “assault-style rifle” on his neighbor during an argument about a parking lot on the public street where they both live. The victim, Billy Jimenez, says Ham walked toward him with the rifle asking “do we have a problem”, causing him to fear for his life. Ham’s wife, Tehya, confirmed he pulled a gun and confronted their neighbor. Ham refused to speak about the argument or gun, and said the victim’s “verbal aggression was inappropriate and that wasn’t going to happen”.

Canadian Football Player Ryan Bomben faces felony for bringing drugs into Nashville jail after drunken arrest

Metro Nashville Police found 34-year-old Canadian Professional Football Player Ryan Bomben banging his head against a local business in downtown Nashville, and when officers approached him he reeked of alcohol and had difficulty standing on his own. Despite multiple attempts to arrange for him to leave the area safely, there was no one to care for him and he had no idea where he was staying. He was transported to booking, where they located marijuana inside his jacket pocket once inside the facility. Bomben was charged with public intoxication and felony introducing drugs into a penal institution.

Janelle Stock charged with assaulting husband then sitting on floor, resisting arrest #Adulting

Benjamin Stock says he came to pick up his daughter from the Call Hill Road home of his wife, 39-year-old Janelle Stock. While there he says she began to repeatedly assault him in the face with her hands, leaving him with visible swelling and bruising to his face. Police documented his injuries and spoke to Janelle, who told them there was no physical altercation. Officers observed very visible redness to her hands, consistent with being used to assault her husband. When police handcuffed her inside the residence, she sat on the floor and refused to move, resulting in officers physically carrying the grown woman out of her home and placing her into the patrol car.