DUI: “Do Thang” arrested after “doing his thing” outside a Nashville Home

Metro Police responded to Raywood Lane after a citizen called in to report a car with a person inside had been parked in front of their home for several hours. Police identified 35-year-old Do Thang inside the vehicle with the keys in the ignition, his belt undone, and his pants unzipped. Officer reported he had snot running down his face and was extremely intoxicated with three open Clubtails Sunny Margarita Cans visible in the car.

DUI: Woman found slumped over wheel after 4 beers & 2 shots — Cassandra Kioussis arrested

36-year-old Cassandra Kioussis says she had “four beers and two shots” shortly before police found her slumped over the wheel of her vehicle and intersection in front of them. When police asked her to put the car in park, she rolled forward, and then rolled down the rear window instead of the front. She would eventually blow a 0.179 % BAC and was arrested for DUI.

Intoxicated woman charged after spitting on police — Rebecca Wetherbee arrested

Police say 29-year-old Rebecca Wetherbee was being discharged from St. Thomas Midtown early Saturday after a brief visit and was causing a disturbance, refusing to leave. Officer offered to assist in getting her home, but she refused to tell them where she lived, and told them to”go f–k yourself”. Police determined she was still extremely intoxicated and since she refused to leave the property, she was taken into custody for criminal trespass. Wetherbee, however, wasn’t done. Once in the patrol car she began kicking the rear window, and spit on an officer who attempted to put her in hobble restraints.

Yet another drunk tourist arrested for public intoxication in downtown Nashville — Kevin Gately

30-year-old Kevin Gately was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail for public intoxication this weekend after he was with his friend, Justin Bolla, who punched out the front window of Betty’s Boots on Broadway. As officers attempted to make contact with the pair, Gately was also extremely intoxicated and continued to be unable to care for himself in public.

Man charged with punching out $12K custom window in downtown Nashville — Justin Bolla

31-year-old tourist Justin Bolla faces a Class C felony vandalism charge after police say he was walking in downtown Nashville when he suddenly punched a hole through the front storefront window of Betty’s Boots on Broadway. Police reviewed security footage and charged the Massachusetts tourist with felony vandalism after the custom window was estimated at $12,000 to repair. His friend with him, Kevin Gately, was additionally charged with public intoxication.

Olivia Cooper Simmons arrested in FGL House Brawl in downtown Nashville

23-year-old Olivia Cooper Simmons faces a multitude of charges after police arrived at the FGL House bar in downtown Nashville and found her clothing covered in the blood of a person they say she had just assaulted. The female victim was still bleeding profusely from the face when police arrived at the bar. Once at booking, Simmons attempted to shatter the patrol car window with her boot and cracked the door panel, and tried to kick and bite the officers. Her booking had to be delayed due to her aggressive behavior.