Tourist charged with slapping girlfriend in face in downtown Nashville — Anthony Waldner #VisitMusicCity

21-year-old Missouri tourist Anthony ‘Tony’ Waldner was booked into the Metro Nashville jail this weekend, charged with the assault of his girlfriend, Kaelyn Rawie. The two were reportedly drinking during the evening, and once back at their hotel after a concert at Ascend Amphitheater Thursday night, and he slapped her in the face, causing an injury to her lip. Waldner is free on a $1,000 cash bond, charged with simple assault (not domestic assault, according to court records).

Musician charged with groping woman’s breasts at Tin Roof Nashville — Jonathan Sepulveda

“Yes, of course I grabbed her breasts!”… those are the words 33-year-old Jonathan Sepulveda reportedly said to the victim’s husband when he was confronted about his actions at the Tin Roof Bar on Demonbreun Sunday night. Court records indicate he was a stranger to the victim. Multiple witnesses corroborated the assault and the admission. Sepulveda is free on a $10,000 bond, charged with felony sexual battery.

Drunk man walks up to cops on Broadway, leans on an officer, refuses to leave — Dylan Cosner #PublicIntoxication

Metro Nashville Police say they were speaking to a group of citizens on Broadway in downtown Nashville when 23-year-old Dylan Scott Cosner walked up, stumbled around swaying, leans on an officer for balance, bumped into the other people, and was belligerent. Officers asked him to move along with his friends, but he refused and became verbally aggressive. He was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with public intoxication.

Florida Man causes scene at Whiskey Bent Saloon after losing wallet — Justin Cook arrested

38-year-old Justin Cook, of Florida, says he lost his wallet at Whiskey Bent Saloon in downtown Nashville. During his search for it, he reportedly was pushing and shoving patrons, and when security intervened he resisted and fought with them, causing them to strike him in the face. Police were called, he continued to be belligerent and causing a scene, so he was taken into custody, charged with public intoxication and disorderly conduct. He is free on pre-trial release.

Young, drunk, & disorderly in downtown Nashville: Conor Lynch & Ronan Callinan arrested

22-year-old Ronan John Callinan and 23-year-old Conor Joseph Lynch were reported to be causing disturbances on the streets of downtown Nashville, and officers eventually were able to catch up with them at which time it was obvious they were heavenly intoxicated. Callinan resisted detainment and arrest, flailed on the ground, attempted to kick an officer in the head, and continued to spit toward officers and in the patrol car. The pair was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail.