Daniel Emory punches son in face during argument

70-year-old Daniel Emory had a domestic altercation with Evan Emory, his son, at an Edmonson Pike apartment on May 30th. Upon arrival, officers spoke with Daniel, who stated that he and Evan had an argument, which escalated when Evan got in his face. Then, he said he pushed Evan away, and when he got back in his face, he taunted Daniel to punch him in the face. Daniel admitted to taking a swing at his face, trying to hit him, but only grazed his chin. Then, he said Evan continued to taunt him, so he left and returned shortly after. Evan told officers a similar statement, adding that he never touched Daniel. He said he did not wish to press charges for the occurrence. Joyce Emory, a witness, advised she heard a loud commotion and saw Daniel punching Evan but did not know if he hit his face, only that they claimed he did. Emory was taken into custody for domestic assault.