Maria Rondon Valbuena caught driving stolen car, tells police she was renting it from “A guy on WhatsApp”

26-year-old Maria De Los Angeles Rondon Valbuena drove a stolen Mazda CX-9 down Terminal Drive on the afternoon of February 8th. Officers observed this and conducted a traffic stop. During the stop, Valbuena stated she was “renting the vehicle from a guy on WhatsApp for $150 a month.” She added that she only had the car for a month. Valbuena was cited for the incident. Valbuena was booked on the citation of theft on March 11th.

John Wilson Jr. deemed too drunk for Nashville International Airport

43-year-old John Wilson Jr. was jailed on February 26th after not paying his bill at Vino Fiesta Bar at Nashville International Airport. John left Vino Fiesta Bar and was denied boarding with American Airlines for being too intoxicated. The bar manager provided a bill of $38.56 that John left unpaid. Officers retrieved John’s information from the gate agent and contacted him by phone. John told officers that he was currently at the pick-up zone. When officers arrived at the pick-up zone, they observed him standing on the curb near traffic, unable to keep his balance. John was visibly intoxicated and smelled of alcohol. John was taken into custody for his own safety.

Aaron Torres says an “allergic reaction to marijuana” caused him to pass out behind the wheel

27-year-old Aaron Torres was passed out behind the wheel of a truck on Terminal Road in the early hours of Friday morning. Officers approached the truck, which was on and in gear, and noted Torres slumped over. After a few minutes, Torres regained consciousness and spoke with officers. Upon questioning, Torres stated he was having an allergic reaction to the marijuana he had just consumed. He also advised of a handgun in the center console.