Danny Mosier charged with DUI after West End crash

Police say 27-year-old Daniel Mosier was involved in a traffic accident at West End & 17th Ave N. and as officers responded to the scene, a witness informed them that Mosier had just admitted stated he had been drinking and just wanted to pay the other party for damages and be on his way. Officers say Mosier made the patrol car reek of alcohol once he was inside and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. Mosier claimed it had been over five hours since he had a couple of beers.

Johnny Vereecken charged in domestic assault after both parties claim the other is at fault

Metro Nashville Police responded to a domestic disturbance call just after 10 p.m. Sunday after officers say both parties attempted to report the other for assault. 30-year-old Johnny Vereecken told police he was just lying in bed when his girlfriend, Debbie Williams, just came in and began punching him on his back, and then punched him in the chest as picked her up and moved her out of the way when he attempted to get up to walk the dogs.

Debbie had a much different story and told police they had been having relationship issues. Earlier on Sunday, she says she caught him at a bar when he stated he was somewhere else. She says they were arguing about their relationship when he picked her up from behind and chipped her tooth with his hand as he placed her back on the ground. She says only after her tooth was chipped did he call 911 and claim he was also assaulted. Police say both parties were drinking, and each claimed the other was the primary aggressor. Due to the girlfriend’s injuries and other factors, Vereecken was determined to be the primary aggressor and taken into custody.

DUI: Nicholas Sedita flees from cops along Grand Prix road closures, eventually arrested in Shelby Park

During the early Friday morning road closures for the Music City Grand Prix, 24-year-old Nicholas Sedita drove into a curb and struck a barrier just before 2 a.m. while speeding toward a security officer near 1st Street and Nissan Stadium. The vehicle fled the scene and was soon located near 7th St. & Davidson, smoking and making loud noises. A Metro Nashville Police officer initiated emergency equipment and attempted a traffic stop as the vehicle continued to flee until a supervisor directed for the chase to end. Officers then quietly followed the vehicle from a distance, and it stopped on its own as it entered Shelby Park, and the driver was taken into custody. He eventually blew a 0.221% BAC on a breathalyzer and was charged with DUI & leaving the scene of an accident.

Downtown driver Ruchadd Bivins assaults pedestrian with jar of vaseline

35-year-old Ruchadd Bivins was booked on a summons to appear this week in a case where he is charged with an assault in downtown Nashville. On June 26th, Bivins was driving in downtown Nashville while pedestrian Katlin Nicely was walking near the end of a marked crosswalk, and he turned his vehicle, nearly hitting her. She continued properly walking down the sidewalk when Bivins turned alongside her, got out of his car, and began to yell at her. He then got back in his car and followed her as she continued to walk and once again exited his vehicle, still screaming at her. Bivens then retrieved a jar of vaseline from his car and threw it at Nicely, striking her in the chest.

David Lasalle charged after assaulting girlfriend inside vehicle, leaving her bloody

Diane Elise Delpapa says her boyfriend, 44-year-old David Lasalle, punched her in the face while she was in his vehicle on June 4th, leaving her with a bleeding nose. She got out of his vehicle at the offramp of the interstate, walked to a gas station on Old Hickory Blvd, and called police. As police arrived, they observed Lasalle’s Chevy Equinox pull up beside her and speak to her, but he quickly fled that area as police approached him. She explained to the police what happened, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. He was booked on that warrant this week, charging him with domestic assault with bodily injury.

Dah Gay, Joshua Bautista, & Sa Mo jailed after traffic stop reveals marijuana & handgun

Metro Nashville Police initiated a traffic stop on a white Dodge Charger on Paragon Mills Road on August 4th after it was speeding and ran a stop sith. Officers had also observed the same vehicle recently quickly leaving 95 Wallace Road when police entered the area. Inside that car was 22-year-old Sa Lo Mo was driving the vehicle, which was registered to him. 24-year-old Dah Gay was in the passenger seat, with 23-year-old Joshua Batista in the back. During the traffic stop, officers say they smelled the odor of marijuana, which Sa Mo confirmed was not hemp, and could see “remnants” of marijuana inside the car, along with small plastic baggies. A search of the vehicle revealed a .40 cal bullet wrapped in a plastic bag, a digital scape, a Glock 23 handgun with 10 rounds, and 69 grams of marijuana. Sa Mo had $1,195 in cash that was seized. No one claimed possession of the gun, so all three were charged using constructive possession.

Andrew Thacker charged in assault of girlfriend at Bridgestone Arena in downtown Nashville

Metro Nashville Police responded to a fight at Bridgestone Arena late Wednesday night and found 27-year-old Andrew Durham Thacker, who reportedly assaulted his girlfriend, Kayana Cunningham. A witness who broke up the physical altercation told police Thacker placed a hand on Cunningham and pushed her with substantial force up against a vehicle. Cunningham confirmed that Thacker placed his hand around the front of her neck and pushed her against the vehicle as the argument escalated.

Tiawanna Brown charged with theft of U-Haul she’s kept since June without returning

25-year-old Tiawanna L Brown is jailed on a $10,000 bond after police say she stole a U-Haul truck. Officer initially noticed the U-Haul without a license plate in Germantown and conducted a traffic stop. Inside the vehicle was a passenger, Tiawanna, who clearly stated the U-Haul was hers, and the other person was only driving for her because she didn’t have a license. The driver was arrested on a separate and unrelated outstanding warrant. Tiawanna presented a rental agreement from early June, which was consistent with the stolen vehicle report.