Gabrielle Brown bites & threatens to kill roommate during argument

20-year-old Gabrielle Shaniqua Brown had a domestic incident with her roommate, Beverley Brown, at their Millwood Drive apartment late July 31st. Beverley called 911, advising them that she had been injured following a scuffle with Gabrielle. During the call, Gabrielle could be heard yelling in the background. When officers arrived, they interviewed Beverley and Gabrielle separately. They both had visible injuries but refused medical attention. Then, Beverley told officers that she confronted Gabrielle over several personal belongings in the apartment, during which Gabrielle had become angry with her. Beverley further explained that Gabrielle smacked her across her body, hit her head with an unknown object from the bathroom, and bit her on the right arm. Beverley added that, in self-defense, she tried to push Gabrielle off her and had bitten her hands. Beverley’s oldest son told the police that he heard the altercation outside his room. He noted that at one point, he heard Gabrielle threaten to kill Beverley. Then, he stated after he stepped outside, he observed them wrestling and intervened to separate the fight. Gabrielle told officers that Beverley pushed her while they argued in the bathroom upstairs and that she bit her on the stomach and hand. Gabrielle Brown was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for domestic assault on August 1st.