Atlanta Tourist Brian Gary jailed after partying too hard at Second Fiddle bar in Nashville

34-year-old Brian Gary was jailed after causing a disturbance at Second Fiddle bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville Thursday night. Security at the venue told police that Gary was so intoxicated he was falling into people. He was asked to leave and repeatedly refused. He told police he “wasn’t worried about it” when they repeated the demand to leave the property. He was given one last opportunity to walk away and was transported to booking when he refused.

Ariana Alexander charged with DUI and disorderly conduct after traffic stop for tint

22-year-old Ariana Alexander was seen revving her Lexus SUV’s engine at the intersection of Elm Hill Pike and Fesslers Lane by police on September 13th after midnight. Police reported that her window tint was too dark, and she accelerated quickly, not stopping completely for a red light, turning onto Murfreesboro Pike. She then sped above the posted 40 mph speed limit before the officer conducted a traffic stop.

Police approached Ariana’s vehicle, which smelled of marijuana, and her breath smelled of alcohol. Police reported that in plain view was a burnt marijuana cigarette, so they asked Ariana to exit the vehicle and perform sobriety tests. Ariana told police that she had one shot before the end of her work shift at 6 p.m. and smoked some marijuana the day before. Reportedly, she was loud, belligerent, and could not focus on the tasks she was told to do. Police detained her when she attempted to leave after she performed the tests. While she was detained, she began yelling at friends across the street to help her, yelled loud enough to stop patrons at the business across the street, and refused to stop screaming. She did not consent to any chemical testing. Police searched her vehicle, yielding an empty packet of aluminum foil, rolling papers, and a small amount of marijuana shake.

Jonathan Agramonte — too drunk to fly at Nashville International Airport

41-year-old Jonathan Agramonte spoke to Nashville Airport Police Officer Redifer after he was reportedly drunk at gate C23. Officer Redifer described Jonathan as being visibly intoxicated. Jonathan was talking loudly and yelling at officers while they were trying to get him a taxi to a hotel. He disobeyed the officer’s commands to quiet down and leave the airport. The officer then placed him into custody for disorderly conduct and public intoxication.

Ohio Realtor Vademark Holser jailed after drunkenly threatening to “rape everyone” during drunken debacle

40-year-old Vademark Holser was denied entry to a bar on Broadway due to his level of intoxication, staff told police. They told police that after Vademark was denied entry, he refused to leave, forcing his way past security. Vademark was visibly intoxicated when police spoke to him, and they tried to give him a misdemeanor citation. But once he was in the patrol vehicle, he angrily told police that he was going to fight and rape everyone when he was released. Police then determined, due to his level of intoxication and threats, that he would be a danger to the public. He was taken into custody and transported to jail.

Billy Kroese kicks two officers in their genitals after Broadway arrest

54-year-old Billy Kroese refused to leave the doorway of Layla’s Honky Tonk when police arrived. Police instructed Billy to leave the business’s curtilage and noticed several signs of intoxication. Reportedly, Billy then became aggressive and started shouting explicit language. He still refused to leave the doorway, and police attempted to detain him. Billy pulled away but was eventually arrested and transported to booking. While in booking, he was disruptive and kicked officers George Poulos and Bryan Malone in their genitals.

Shaun Murphy slaps MNPD Officer in face & calls him derogatory names

45-year-old Shaun Murphy walked up to MNPD Officer Tucker on Sunday on Broadway and slapped him. Shaun was placed into custody by Officer Tucker, who said that the slap was not hard but was intentional. While in the patrol vehicle, he apologized for the slap and called the officers derogatory names. Police reported that there was a strong odor of alcohol emitting from Shaun. Shaun was arrested for assault after his obscene and vulgar drunken tirades, as well as his slapping of an officer.

Connor Cooley jailed after rowdy behavior at FGL House bar in downtown Nashville

28-year-old Connor Cooley got aggressive with FGL House security after he was kicked out of the downtown Nashville bar. Police arrived and watched surveillance footage, which showed Connor throwing items at the staff after being kicked out. Connor was reportedly visibly intoxicated and smelled strongly of alcohol. Police placed him in custody due to his level of intoxication and the video footage.

Deion Robinson jailed after yelling at officers after marijuana transaction downtown

27-year-old Deion Robinson was seen by officers on Broadway around 2:30 a.m. last Sunday, exchanging marijuana with another man in downtown Nashville. After the officer attempted to contact Deion, he began yelling profanity at him. Deion refused to comply with orders given to him by the police and became aggressive, annoying others. Detaining Deion made it difficult for others to walk past the officer, so they were forced to walk in the roadway. Deion, from Indiana, told police he would not return to Tennessee for court while in custody.

John Mateo jailed after assaulting bouncer at Tequila Cowboy in downtown Nashville

43-year-old John Anthony Mateo was recorded on Tequila Cowboy’s security cameras pushing a security guard on the night of August 25th. Police reviewed the footage of the incident after being flagged down to the business by security. Due to John fighting in public, but there were no injuries, he was arrested for disorderly conduct. He is a resident of Florida and is unlikely to appear in court, so he was not issued a citation.

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