Ronnie Sanchez jailed after swinging on bouncers at Nashville Underground

Police came into contact with 38-year-old Ronnie Sanchez at Nashville Underground in the early hours of Saturday morning, where he was unsteady on his feet and visibly overly intoxicated. He told officers, “I am drunk!” as security staff explained he had attempted to fight them by “swinging on them.” Officers took Sanchez into custody and charged him with public intoxication and disorderly conduct.

William Appleberry jailed after fight at Jason Aldean’s bar in downtown Nashville

24-year-old William Appleberry was involved in a physical fight on the upper level of Jason Aldean’s bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville late Saturday night. Security Staff escorted him out of the bar, and Metro Nashville Police Officers met them at the door, where he was being combative. He fought with officers and resisted arrest, trying to free his arms and legs as he was being detained and cuffed. He was eventually taken to the ground and taken into custody.

Tourist Tyler Vandermartin jailed after wild night at Tootsie’s in downtown Nashville

25-year-old Tyler Vandermartin of Pennsylvania was jailed in Nashville late Friday night on nearly a half-dozen charges after assaulting staff at Tootsie’s Bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville. He had been asked to leave due to his disruptive behavior. As he was being escorted out, he began to lunge at the bouncers, causing them to be in fear of imminent bodily injury, according to police. As he was being turned over to Metro Nashville Police, he attempted to kick the officers multiple times during his arrest and search of his person. He was visibly intoxicated and a general annoyance to the general public.

Jevon Chrystak pushes officers during fight in front of Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa

23-year-old Jevon Chrystak was involved in a fight in front of Miranda Lambert’s Casa Rosa on Broadway in downtown Nashville Sunday. Metro Nashville Police officers attempted to break up the fight when Chrystak pushed one of the officers in the chest. He also refused another officer’s commands to place his hands behind his back and pulled away from officers as they took him into custody.

Trevon Boyce saying jumping onto police cruiser was a “poor decision” upon reflection

26-year-old Trevon Boyce jumped on the truck of a Metro Nashville Police Patrol car in downtown Nashville early Saturday morning. Officers immediately removed Boyce, who was then sitting on the trunk and detained him. Boyce told police he had a camera roll full of photos with him on patrol cars and police bicycles, and “it wasn’t that serious.” He later stated it was a “poor decision;” the officer charged him with disorderly conduct and transported him to booking. 

Georgia tourist Corey Moore struggles with police at Jason Aldean’s Bar

30-year-old tourist Corey Moore was causing a disturbance with bouncers and Metro Nashville Police Officers outside of Jason Aldean’s bar on Broadway in downtown Nashville early Saturday morning. During the disruption, officers approached Moore to detain him, and he then attempted to walk away from the situation. Officers blocked his path, and he then grabbed onto an officer and began to physically struggle with the officers. He was then pressed against a wall to be cuffed and taken into custody.

Keniya Green charged with assault after fighting in front of officers

19-year-old Keniya Green was in an altercation with Sammeca Hall on Edgehill Ave Friday night, along with other individuals. While officers were investigating the incident, she aggressively approached the victim again and had to be separated by officers. She became even more aggressive and assumed a fighting stance attempting to escalate the situation. She was taken into custody for assault after placing the victim in fear of bodily injury. 

Alberto Gomez jailed after fighting at Honky Tonk Central during CMA Fest

37-year-old Alberto R. Luque Gomez was in a fight with another individual at Honky Tonk Central on Broadway in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Sunday morning. Officers ordered the two to break up the altercation, but they continued actively fighting. Officers were eventually able to separate the individuals and detained Gomez, who stated he consumed at least “five beers.” Due to his level of intoxication and the likelihood of the behavior continuing, he was taken into custody.

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