Tarrell Grant charged in bloody assault of girlfriend, told police “nothing happened”

Witnesses called police after observing Sydney Medders running through a Nashville apartment complex screaming for help while being kicked by her boyfriend, 25-year-old Tarrell Grant. She was able to hide in a neighbor’s apartment until officers arrived at the scene. Officers found her with multiple injuries, including a bloody nose where she had been pushed into a wall, abrasions, and blood on her shirt. She did not want to prosecute for the domestic violence, and Grant told police “nothing happened.” Due to the circumstances, the relationship, and the history of domestic violence, officers prosecuted on her behalf and took Tarrell Grant into custody.

Helen Yanuirian Calilx charged in assault of boyfriend at Honduras Restaurant

23-year-old Helen Yanuirian Calilx says her missing cell phone was pinging at Haunduras Restaurant on Murfreesboro Pike Thursday, so she drove to the location at 5:30 p.m. and found her boyfriend, Andy Plata, at the restaurant eating. Security footage from the restaurant shows she then confronts Plata aggressively and follows him around the restaurant yelling at him, while Plata is observed calmly walking with his hands above his shoulders and attempting to walk away and diffuse the situation. Plata told police she was abusive and aggressive toward him from the moment she walked in the door. Officers determined she was the aggressor in the situation and charged her with domestic assault.

Wamond Webb punches girlfriend, destroys her vehicle, and flees with his mother in her car

30-year-old Wamond Webb, who goes by the names “Walt Geezy” and “Wamond Macnificent Webb” on social media, is accused of splashing a beer in his girlfriend’s face, vandalizing her car, and then fleeing the scene with his mother as his getaway driver. Police met with Erica Faw at an East Nashville Citgo, where she was standing beside her heavily damaged Ford Escape. She told police that her boyfriend, Webb, threw the beer in her face and punched her just under her right eye, causing her to stop the vehicle as she was driving. She escaped into a gas station while Webb broke out the rear window of her car and damaged the door handles. As she approached him, she says he fled to a vehicle driven by his mother and left the scene. Officers also documented the rearview mirror was ripped off, the key was broken off inside the ignition, and the gear shift had been completely ripped from the console, rendering the vehicle inoperable.

Jordan Gillenwaters charged with punching ex-lover during dispute

22-year-old Jordan Gillenwaters and Antawaun Lacy had recently ended their relationship of two years, and each still resides within the same apartment building. On August 29th, Lacy was sitting on the breezeway steps when Gillenwaters approached him, yelling and calling him names. When a neighbor stepped out and told them to take their problems elsewhere, Gillenwaters punched Lacy in the mouth and fled the scene. Officers documented an injury to Lacy’s lip and took out a warrant for the arrest of Gillenwaters.

Bossman Jason Miller charged after forcefully grabbing his girlfriend’s phone from her hands

Karen Lannette Beard says she was in her bed when her lover, 45-year-old “Bossman Jason” Miller, stood beside her and asked her to put her phone down, and she refused and continued to use her phone. He then reportedly grabbed the phone and pulled the phone from her in a struggle. As she reached up to retrieve her phone, she says she ripped his shirt and broke his necklace while scratching his chest. In return, he pinned her to the bed using his arms, and he called the police. Officers arrived and determined him to be the primary aggressor, and he was charged with domestic assault.

Robert Harris charged with smashing pregnant girlfriend’s face into dashboard during argument

28-year-old Robert Harris was charged with domestic assault early Tuesday morning after his girlfriend disclosed to police that Robert had slammed her face into the dashboard of his vehicle during an argument and then strangled her while pushing her against the passenger seat. The victim, Ivy Shoults, who is also pregnant, refused all medical assistance and seemed only to suffer injuries to her lip, which was busted and bleeding. Officers became aware of the couple as their vehicle was parked in the grass near Donelson Pike and Murfreesboro Road and conducted a welfare check. Harrs refused to answer any questions and was taken into custody.

Tiffany Williams charged after busting girlfriend’s nose; breaking vases and pots in rage

31-year-old Tiffany Marie Williams is charged with the assault of her girlfriend, Rebecca Page-Dolnick. Officers arrived at their Walton Lane residence to find Rebecca bleeding from the bridge of her busted nose and an assortment of broken pots and vases. The victim says the couple had an argument when Williams suddenly attacked her. She attempted to defend herself, but not before she was punched in the nose. Williams admits they were in an argument but states she had been drinking and wasn’t sure of many details.

Racheal Holt pulls up to man’s house and beats him with a diaper bag, per report

Police say 22-year-old Racheal Holt arrived at the residence of Julian Sowell in 2020 and just began fighting him and beating him with a diaper bag before swapping to using her hands. Officers documented scratches on the victim’s face, and a witness confirmed the events. Holt fled before officers arrived, and a warrant was issued for her arrest. She was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday on that outstanding warrant, charging her with domestic assault.

Marlon Ramirez charged after coming home late & drunk, headbutting his older brother

21-year-old Marlon Ramirez came home extremely intoxicated at 1 a.m. Wednesday, causing a scene with his family. He was arguing with other members of his family who confronted him when his older brother, Edwin Ramirez, attempted to intervene and de-escalate the situation. While he was separating everyone involved, Marlon reportedly head-butted his older brother in the face… an act he likely now regrets. The victim did not wish to prosecute, but due to the family relationship, officers charged Marlon with domestic assault and transported him to booking.

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