Dallas Gonzales charged in domestic assault of fiancée in Nashville

33-year-old Dallas Gonzales is charged with domestic assault with bodily injury after his fiancée, Kendra Hampton, called Metro Nashville Police to their home this week. She says Gonzales began yelling in her face, asking if she was OK, then grabbed her shoulders placing her in fear of being assaulted. She was able to break away and run upstairs, but he grabbed onto her, causing an injury to her hand. Gonzales was transported to booking and is free on a $2,000 bond.

Heather Rose Brinn assaults sleeping boyfriend over Facebook posts

Tim Basford says he was sleeping when his girlfriend, 40-year-old Heather Rose Brinn, entered their shared bedroom and struck him in the head with a blunt object. She was yelling about Facebook posts and throwing objects around the room. She then took his work phone and attempted to run out of the house with it, however, he grabbed her by the arm to prevent her from destroying it, stating she has a history of destroying his belonging. Officers say Brinn’s version of events changed each time she recounted it, and that she has a history of domestic violence incidents. She was charged with domestic assault with bodily injury and is free on a $2,500 bond.

Tykylan Walker charged with strangling girlfriend during lunch break & calmly returning to work after

Itavia Drake says her boyfriend, 29-year-old Tykylan Walker, came home agitated during his lunch break and accused her of cheating on him. She says he pushed her with his shoulder and told her to get away from their child, before pushing her to the ground and strangling her with both his hands around her neck until she was unable to breathe. He then reportedly threatened to kill her as he left the apartment to return to work. Police documents multiple injuries on the victim and took out warrants for Walker, who was taken into custody just a few hours later.

Star Reedy & John Ed Motley charged after threatening to “let the streets handle” Crystal Hayden

Crystal Hayden says her cousin, 42-year-old John Edward Motley, and his girlfriend, 43-year-old Star Reedy, have been harassing her since November. She provided police with multiple texts, screenshots, call logs, and posts where they posted her address and house on social media, including telling people it was for rent and providing massage services, and giving Hayden’s contact information on multiple versions of the post. Hayden also says she was placed in fear of being assaulted after Star told her the “streets are going to handle you”, and sent assault threats via text messages. Motley also reportedly made threats to have the streets take care of her. Reedy is charged with assault and harassment, and Motley is charged with domestic assault/fear of bodily injury.

Shakayla Edwards slaps husband, accuses him of cheating during a card game

Police responded to the Comfort Suites at Rivergate Mall on March 27th in reference to a fight in progress. Upon arrival, many people were walking around outside, yelling at each other. The entire group was related to one another, and reportedly were playing a card game when 27-year-old Shakayla Edwards accused her husband, Jerry Edwards, of cheating during the game. He says she did strike him in the face multiple times during the assault. Family members confirmed she had been drinking heavily prior to the assault.

Mattie Cherry charged in assault of family members who came to her rescue

When 18-year-old Mattie Cherry’s boyfriend kicked her out of the apartment Tuesday, she called her father, Donald Cherry to come to pick up her and her child. On the way back, they stopped by Willie’s Memories Bar on Clarksville Pike, where his wife, Rhonda Benton, was finishing her shift. As they were waiting in the parking lot, Mattie assaulted her father by punching his head while he was holding his grandchild, resulting in a bleeding injury. She then attempted to get into the bar, grabbing Rhonda’s finger and breaking it during the altercation. She then pushed an AC unit through a window in another attempt to make entry. They have not bonded her out of jail.

Janelle Stock charged with assaulting husband then sitting on floor, resisting arrest #Adulting

Benjamin Stock says he came to pick up his daughter from the Call Hill Road home of his wife, 39-year-old Janelle Stock. While there he says she began to repeatedly assault him in the face with her hands, leaving him with visible swelling and bruising to his face. Police documented his injuries and spoke to Janelle, who told them there was no physical altercation. Officers observed very visible redness to her hands, consistent with being used to assault her husband. When police handcuffed her inside the residence, she sat on the floor and refused to move, resulting in officers physically carrying the grown woman out of her home and placing her into the patrol car.

Kimmaly Pros destroys husband’s Playstation, assaults him during an argument in bed

Jadon Wescott says his wife, 28-year-old Kimmaly Pros, shattered his Playstation against the wall after the couple had an argument while laying in bed. As Jadon got out of bed to pick up the pieces of the destroyed game system Kimmaly reportedly began to assault him. He was eventually able to restrain her from injuring him further and call police for assistance. Responding officers documented several long scratches and injuries on Jadon.

Lukas Mansfield films “unflattering video” of lover, refuses to delete it

Kassie Webber says her boyfriend and father of her children, 33-year-old Lukas Mansfield, recorded an “unflattering video” of her while she was ill and she demanded that he erase it from his phone. When he refused an argument escalated and she gathered the children, put them in the vehicle, and prepared to leave. She says Mansfield began banging on the car window and when she unlocked the door he pulled her out and knocked her down onto the concrete driveway. She says he then dragged her by her sweatshirt and hair. Police documented her injuries.

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