Chris Dye charged in violent assault of girlfriend in downtown Nashville

24-year-old Chris Dye was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday on an outstanding warrant from Novembercharging him with domestic assault with bodily injury. His girlfriend, Courtney Steck, told police they went out to the W Hotel with friends, and as they were leaving she was putting up her hair and he became enraged, pulling her hair, slapping, and punching her.

Police noticed her damaged phone, which Dye also reportedly tossed along with her wallet. Once back at her apartment she says he punched her in the face, damaged her glasses, and pushed her into a wall. Dye is free on a $1,000 bond.

Wife assaults husband & destroys his office after she’s denied drugs — Lillian Stout-Cox arrested

Police say 28-year-old Lillian Stout-Cox was at Top Golf with her husband, Paul Cox, who owns a Goodlettsville car lot. She reportedly became upset after he would not hire her brother and caused such a scene that Paul took a rideshare back to the car lot. By the time he arrived, Lillian was already there waiting for him. Security video shows another argument occurred, this time after she demanded some of his prescribed medication (Klonopin) as she searched the office for them. When she realized they were in his possession she began destroying computer monitors and furniture throughout the office. Stout-Cox is charged with domestic assault and vandalism and is free on a $2,000 bond.

Editor’s Note: Stout-Cox called the toll-free Scoop Newsline shortly after bonding out of jail to let us know she had been arrested, and to threaten a lawsuit if we published her story, stating her court records were “confidential”. In this reporter’s opinion based on her conversation, she had found those Klonopin prior to making the call.

Man asks wife to “eat the bullet” so he doesn’t have to “scatter her brains” — Wes Migletz arrested

50-year-old Wesley Migletz is charged with domestic assault with bodily injury after police responded to his wife, Winny, who was hiding in a nearby parking garage. She explained her husband was threatening to carry out a murder/suicide. The wife played a recording on which Wes can be heard saying “you are a parasite, if you had any decency you would eat the bullet and not make me scatter your brains” before punching her, and her crying out in pain.

Officers documented the victim’s injuries and located Wes Migletz walking his dog nearby, and took him into custody. He is free on a $2,500 cash bond.

Woman charged with holding girlfriend in headlock & repeatedly punching her face — Kaitlynn Price

25-year-old Kaitlynn Price was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday morning on an outstanding warrant charging her with the domestic assault of her ex-girlfriend, Alexandria Smith.

Court records show the two were living together in October when Kaitlynn grabbed her by the shirt, placed her in a headlock, and repeatedly punched her in the face. Price is free on a $1,000 bond.

Wife drags husband out of home to evict him, steps over his injured body to go back inside — Kristian Dukes

Metro Police say 49-year-old Kristian Dukes grabbed her sleeping husband, Brandon Burgett, under his arms and dragged him off the couch and out the door, dropping him onto the ground as she stepped over his injured body on her way back inside. Police documented multiple bruises and lacerations to the victim’s body, and blood on his left foot, which she had attempted to shut in the door. Dukes initially denied ever touching the victim, but later admitted to the struggle, adding she was intoxicated.

The victim states Dukes has been attempting to evict him from the property for a period of time.

Woman assaults & bites husband after he refuses to give her money, says she doesn’t work — Hadia Zkria

34-year-old Hadia Zkria is charged with the domestic assault of her husband after he showed police lacerations and injuries to his neck, wrist, and elbow, and a bite mark on his chest. Police were also able to view a video of the attack.

Her husband Elsadig Adam, states the argument happened after she asked him for money but he would not give her any, stating she did not work. Zkria is free on a $1,500 bond. When asked by an interpreter, Zkria stated ‘nothing happened’.

Man charged with threatening girlfriend with liquor bottle during argument — Kenneth Douglas

20-year-old Kenneth Douglas is charged with the domestic assault of his girlfriend, Destiny Tanner. Tanner says the two were arguing and Douglas was intoxicated and becoming more and more irate. She agreed to give him a ride to his sister’s home in South Nashville, and while they were en route, he reportedly threatened to hit her in the head with the bottle of liquor which he brought with him. She says she was placed in fear of bodily injury, and police responded to the scene. Douglas was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with domestic assault – fear of bodily injury, and is free on a $3,500 bond.

Man who was denied sex attacks girlfriend with blow torch & mason jars — Jaime Aquino arrested

When 25-year-old Jaime Aquino was jailed this week for an assault on his co-worker when he smashed a glass mug over his head, he was also served with an outstanding warrant from March, charging him with the domestic assault of his girlfriend, which left her with severe injuries. Court records show Aquino came home at 4 a.m. and wanted to have sex, however, Kirsten Brasher told him no. Upset at the denial, he reportedly picked up a blowtorch and began to wave it around at her in a threatening manner. He then grabbed the victim and tossed her around the apartment, then hit her with several full mason jars, breaking them on her head, causing a 2-inch gash. The victim was able to knock over a television to distract him in order to escape. A commissioner set his bond for this charge, domestic assault with bodily injury, at $5,000, which he posted.

East Nashville Mother held minor child’s wrists while kicking her shins during assault, per report — Cheryl Holt a

47-year-old Cheryl Holt was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Tuesday morning, charged with the domestic assault of her minor child. Police say the minor child took her mother’s phone away from her because she was attempting to text threats to a third party. The minor returned to her bedroom, at which point Cheryl reportedly screamed at her from the hallway then punched her in the face and slapped her in the face. She then reportedly continued the assault by grabbing and holding her wrists while she kicked her in the shins. Responding officers observed and documented injuries on the minor child, as well as the apartment being in disarray. Cheryl Holt was transported to booking, charged with domestic assault with bodily injury, and is free on a $1,500 cash bond.

Retired California Cop charged with assaulting two of his children in Nashville — Ron Epp arrested

Newly retired 55-year-old police officer Ronald Epp was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Wednesday morning, where he was placed on a 12-hour domestic violence hold, charged with the assault of two of his children. The family was staying at an AirBNB in Nashville and had been out enjoying downtown Nashville. As they were preparing to leave downtown his daughter, Peyton Epp, attempted to stop her father from driving, due to his high level of intoxication. He reportedly grabbed her and pulled her from the vehicle, and then twisted her wrist for an extended period of time, as confirmed by the other family members.

In addition to this assault, while in the backyard of the AirBNB, the father slapped and shoved one of his sons, Dawson Epp, during an outburst. Ronald Epp was charged with domestic assault with bodily injury, and domestic assault Prov/Offensive contact. He is free on a $3,500 cash bond.