Donald McCann threatens to sue & kill officers after getting drunk at Friends in Low Places Bar

51-year-old Donald Mario McCann was observed lying on the sidewalk in front of the Friends in Low Places Bar on Broadway late August 2nd. Officers noticed McCann had difficulty standing up, so McCann’s friend assisted him. During this, McCann was physically uncooperative and appeared as if he were going to engage in fighting behavior. After noticing this, officers approached McCann to ensure the situation would not escalate. Then, the police spoke with McCann, who reeked of alcohol and was visibly intoxicated. McCann then became aggressive with police, expressing his displeasure with their presence. After this, McCann told officers he would not cooperate if they tried to arrest him. Officers then deemed him a danger to himself and detained him. While in the back of the patrol car, McCann threatened to sue officers. McCann also said his uncle was a part of the City Council and made a brief comment about how he was going to kill one of the officers. McCann then started to kick the back window inside the patrol car. McCann was taken into custody for public intoxication.