All he had to do was walk away — William Dutertredelmarcq, arrested

22-year-old William Dutertredelmarcq was reportedly trespassing at the Grand Hyatt Hotel at 1000 Broadway in downtown Nashville, and police responded to the scene. Security advised that William was in an altercation with two hotel guests and had been asked to leave, a request which he was refusing. Officers detained him in a patrol car while they further investigated, and neither guest wanted to prosecute for the assault. Hotel security also didn’t want to prosecute for the trespass, and since they didn’t have a waiver on file, police could not prosecute on their behalf. Officer released him and told him he could go absolutely anywhere in the city, other than the hotel from which he was just given notice of trespass. He exited the patrol car, stood on the sidewalk for a few moments, and went inside the hotel.

DUI: Man charged after driving wrong way on one-way street downtown — Brendon Powell

Metro Police observed 33-year-old Bendon Powell traveling the wrong way on a one-way street in downtown Nashville Saturday, then hitting a traffic cone as he took a wide turn onto Broadway at a high rate of speed. After conducting a traffic stop, officers described Powell as showing obvious signs of impairment and “indifferent” in his mental state about the current situation. He denied any medical conditions and performed poorly on all field sobriety tests. An officer actually had to catch him as he was falling onto the concrete during one of the tests.

New York man kicked out of The Capitol Hotel in downtown Nashville — Jaime Idrovo

Metro Police responded to the Capitol Hotel in downtown Nashville early Monday morning after 31-year-old Jaime Idrovo was in some sort of disturbance with another guest. Due to all of the commotion in the middle of the night, hotel management asked Idrovo to leave the hotel, but he refused, stating he was going back to sleep. After management asked him a second time, with police present, and he still refused, he was charged with criminal trespass and disorderly conduct, and transported to booking.

“The Nashville Cowboy” charged with felony assault of woman — Benjamin Colby Barrett

While locals may be oblivious, #VisitMusicCity tourists to Nashville have a longstanding #FindTheCowboy game in which they attempted to find a particular ‘cowboy’ who has been the center of sexy calendars, thousands of tourist photos, and is more locally known as the doorman at Layla’s in downtown Nashville. That cowboy is 46-year-old Benjamin Colby Barrett, and he was arrested in Nashville Friday night, charged with the felony aggravated assault of a former lover who has an active order of protection against him.

Trio charged after downtown Nashville brawl, including father & son from Alabama

Metro Police say a trio of folks were all fighting the streets of downtown Nashville last weekend, disrupting both traffic and citizens attempting to use the crosswalks. 18-year-old Brody Presnall, of Alabama, told officers 39-year-old David Castillo pushed him and called him names, and that’s why Brody pushed him back and punched him in the face and began to fight, despite officers giving multiple commands to stop. Brody’s father, 44-year-old Clint Presnall, also got involved when he observed his son getting pushed and engaged in the fight with his son against Castillo.

Man charged with punching out $12K custom window in downtown Nashville — Justin Bolla

31-year-old tourist Justin Bolla faces a Class C felony vandalism charge after police say he was walking in downtown Nashville when he suddenly punched a hole through the front storefront window of Betty’s Boots on Broadway. Police reviewed security footage and charged the Massachusetts tourist with felony vandalism after the custom window was estimated at $12,000 to repair. His friend with him, Kevin Gately, was additionally charged with public intoxication.

Olivia Cooper Simmons arrested in FGL House Brawl in downtown Nashville

23-year-old Olivia Cooper Simmons faces a multitude of charges after police arrived at the FGL House bar in downtown Nashville and found her clothing covered in the blood of a person they say she had just assaulted. The female victim was still bleeding profusely from the face when police arrived at the bar. Once at booking, Simmons attempted to shatter the patrol car window with her boot and cracked the door panel, and tried to kick and bite the officers. Her booking had to be delayed due to her aggressive behavior.