DUI: man found asleep behind wheel near intersection, blows 0.157 BAC — Rudy Mahosky arrested

31-year-old Rudy Mahosky was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Tuesday morning after being round asleep behind the wheel of his car near an intersection with the keys in the ignition. Mahosky admitted to having “two drinks within the last hour”, and agreed to field sobriety tests, during which officers say he showed multiple signs of impairment. He consented to a breathalyzer and blew a 0.157 BAC, nearly twice the legal limit in Tennessee. Mahosky was charged with DUI, and is free on pre-trial release.

Retired California Cop charged with assaulting two of his children in Nashville — Ron Epp arrested

Newly retired 55-year-old police officer Ronald Epp was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Wednesday morning, where he was placed on a 12-hour domestic violence hold, charged with the assault of two of his children. The family was staying at an AirBNB in Nashville and had been out enjoying downtown Nashville. As they were preparing to leave downtown his daughter, Peyton Epp, attempted to stop her father from driving, due to his high level of intoxication. He reportedly grabbed her and pulled her from the vehicle, and then twisted her wrist for an extended period of time, as confirmed by the other family members.

In addition to this assault, while in the backyard of the AirBNB, the father slapped and shoved one of his sons, Dawson Epp, during an outburst. Ronald Epp was charged with domestic assault with bodily injury, and domestic assault Prov/Offensive contact. He is free on a $3,500 cash bond.

Too Intoxicated for Broadway: Benjamin Robertson charged with public intoxication

24-year-old Benjamin Robertson was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Saturday just before 7 p.m. after he was determined to be too drunk for downtown Nashville. Officers encountered him extremely intoxicated on Broadway, where he was causing multiple disturbances with businesses and other citizens in the entertainment district. Unable to find anyone to take care of him, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Man threatens to ‘Ted Bundy’ girlfriend and send nudes to her ex-husband — Corey Roberts arrested

21-year-old Corey Roberts, of Louisville, is charged with domestic assault after he refused to leave his girlfriend’s Nashville apartment and the couple got into an argument, which led to him threatening to send adult photos which she was in to her ex-husband. His girlfriend, Kristin Sayad, reportedly took his phone and he grabbed her wrist, bending her fingers back, pulled her hair and said “I’m going to Ted Bundy you!”. She fled the apartment in fear and called police. Roberts is free on a $1,500 bond.

North Carolina tourist drunk and fighting in downtown Nashville — Nathan James Alderman arrested

24-year-old Nathan Alderman, from North Carolina, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail after police found him in downtown Nashville standing over another person who he was fighting, and wasn’t letting the person get up off the ground. Officers commanded him to step away so the situation could de-escalate but he refused and would not obey any commands from police. Due to his extreme level of intoxication, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

DUI Crash: Travel Nurse refuses care because “I’m a nurse”, resists arrest, handgun — Megan Thaggard

32-year-old Travel Nurse Megan Elizabeth Thaggard is jailed in lieu of a $7,500 bond after police found her crashed into a crosswalk pole in downtown Nashville. When they attempted to provide her with medical assistance she refused, declaring “I don’t need care, because I’m a traveling RN!” She would eventually blow a 0.151 % BAC on a breathalyzer after admitting to drinking prior to driving. She also had a 9mm Kimber loaded with hollow-point bullets in the car within her reach. She actively resisted arrest for several minutes until police were eventually able to get her into custody. She was transported a few hundred feet to booking and charged with DUI, handgun under the influence, resisting arrest, and no insurance.

Another tourist too drunk for Broadway in downtown Nashville — Holly Frye #VisitMusicCity

42-year-old Holly Frye was doing what all tourists do in downtown Nashville and was extremely intoxicated according to officers working the Entertainment District Initiative last weekend. Bystanders flagged down police after she had fallen and was stumbling around, unable to maintain her composure. Officer gave her opportunities to call a friend, order a rideshare, and even dispatched medics to the scene to offer her a trip to the hospital to get checked out, all in an effort to avoid an arrest. She declined all of the choices presented to her and stated she just wanted to go home, however, that was not one of the available options, as she had no way to safely get there. Officers transported her to the Metro Nashville Jail, where she was charged with public intoxication.

Tourist jailed after biting bouncer at Nudie’s Honky Tonk — Andrew Hunter Munden #VisitMusicCity

24-year-old Andrew ‘Hunter’ Munden was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail early Sunday morning after Metro Nashville Police responded to Nudie’s Honky Tonk after Munden had been kicked out of the bar and continued to cause a disturbance. Police say after being removed from the venue, Munden then attempted to run past the bouncers to re-enter the bar. As they stopped him, he latched his teeth onto one of the bouncers, biting him. The bouncer did not press charges for the assault, however, police took Munden into custody and charged him with public intoxication.

Man charged with DUI after night out with wife, who Ubers home, instead — Cameron Nichols

Police say 32-year-old Cameron Nichols was standing outside his crashed vehicle, which went through a utility pole, when they arrived at Edmonson Pike Saturday night and reeked of alcohol. He explained that he and his wife, Holly Nichols, had been out to dinner, and he consumed two beers and an “old-fashioned” cocktail. His wife had taken an Uber home, but he decided to drive. He provided his credit card when asked for his ID, showed signs of intoxication on all field sobriety tests, and then told officers he had not eaten for “several hours” despite claiming he had just had dinner. Nichols was transported to the Metro Nashville jail, and charged with DUI – driving under the influence. He is free on pre-trial release.

Tourist too drunk for Honky Tonk Central — Blake William Miller charged with public intoxication

24-year-old Blake William Miller was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Saturday evening just after 8 p.m. as he caused a disturbance at Honky Tonk Central and refused to leave after he was kicked out of the bar. Security eventually had to call Metro Police Officers and encountered Miller, who initially claimed to have left his debit card inside, but then changed his mind about its location, and noticed he was heavily intoxicated. After Miller continued to refuse to leave the premises, he was transported to booking, and charged with public intoxication.