DUI: Man flees after crash, tells police he’s “a lightweight when it comes to drinking”— Michael Simonetti

31-year-old Michael Simonetti, who described himself to police as “a lightweight when it comes to drinking” called to report he had been in a crash just over 90 minutes earlier. Police met him just down the street, where they discovered a puddle and trail of fresh alcohol, which he had poured out the window of his vehicle. He says he left the scene because he believed the other vehicle also left. Inside the car, police found 6 empty Captain Morgan bottles, and a glass with ice and liquor inside, along with other random alcohol cans.

He failed field sobriety tests and was charged with DUI, violation of implied consent law, and leaving the scene of an accident.

Man drives wrong way on one-way street with two flat tires, blows 0.14 BAC — Austin Boyette

In the early hours of Saturday morning, police found 27-year-old Austin Shane Boyette driving in the wrong direction on a one-way street with two completely flat tires. Officers conducted a traffic stop, and Boyette acknowledged he was aware of the two tires, stating he had attempted to fill them up with air, unsuccessfully. After failing all three field sobriety tests, Boyette blew a 0.14% BAC on the breathalyzer and admits to drinking “five beers and some wine beverages” prior to driving. He is free on pre-trial release.

DUI: Woman blames crash on argument, breathalyzer determines that was a lie — Anna Bea Major arrested

25-year-old Anna Bea Major was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Wednesday night after she crashed her vehicle in downtown Nashville. When officers arrived on scene, she told them the cause of the wreck was because of an argument with her roommate. A breathalyzer determined that was a lie. She blew over double the legal limit, a .182 % BAC at booking. She is free on pre-trial release.

In 2019 Major was arrested after leaving the Exit Inn, where she was a bartender and was in a crash on the interstate in which she hit a wall and fled the scene. During that incident, she admitted to drinking prior to driving, and officers located marijuana and cocaine on her person incident to arrest.

Man so drunk he continues to drive damaged vehicle after crash — Elijah Gang #WhiteBoyWasted

26-year-old Elijah Gang was driving around in a recently crashed vehicle when he drove right into an area which police were preparing for the NYE event in downtown Nashville. An officer approached him to make sure he was ok, and that he realized how damaged his vehicle was. The front-end had heavy damage and the left front time was completely flat. Gang repeatedly reeked of alcohol and refused to answer most questions.

Inside the Toyota Rav4 was an open Miller High Life beer can and multiple cans of Sierra Nevada Hazy Little Things. Gang was charged with DUI, violation of the implied consent law, and open containers. He was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, just a few blocks away, and is free on pre-trial release.

DUI: Man found asleep behind the wheel of a running car with a blanket over his head — Travis Turner

45-year-old Travis Shane Turner, from North Carolina, was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Thursday just after 7 a.m. when police found him slumped over the wheel of his running vehicle in a lane of travel with a blanket over his head. He reportedly had slurred speech and performed poorly on field sobriety tests. Turner refused a breathalyzer and is free on pre-trial release.

DUI: Man says he had a “couple of beers” before driving on Christmas Eve: 89 in a 65 — Cameron Myatt

32-year-old Cameron ‘Cam’ Myatt was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail on Christmas Eve after a THP State Trooper paced him doing 89 in a 65 mph zone.

During the traffic stop, Myatt admitted to having “a couple of beers” prior to driving, and he performed poorly on field sobriety tests. Myatt was charged with DUI 1st, and is free on pre-trial release.

DUI: Man found asleep behind wheel 100 yards off Briley Parkway — Gregory Chitwood

37-year-old Gregory Chitwood is charged with driving under the influence after multiple motorists called 911 to report a dark-colored pickup truck was off the roadway on Briley Parkway.

Officers canvassed the area, eventually locating the vehicle in a grassy field 100 years away from the road. Chitwood was found asleep behind the wheel of the vehicle, which was still running and still in drive. He admitted to drinking prior to driving. Chitwood blew a 0.141% BAC and was charged with DUI. He is free on pre-trial release.

Man charged with DUI after crash in Germantown — William Sidebotham

29-year-old William Sidebotham crashed his vehicle just before 9 p.m. Monday near 6th Ave. N & Jefferson. When officers found him, he was obviously intoxicated, had trouble standing, and admitted to consuming three drinks prior to driving. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and refused any blood or breath testing.

Sidebotham was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail and charged with DUI and violation of the implied consent law. He is free on pre-trial release.

DUI: Man has 5 drinks at downtown bar before crashing car on way home — Bohlt Hamrick 0.166 BAC

23-year-old Bohlt Hamrick told police he had around 5 drinks at a #DowntownNashville bar Wednesday night, a mix of both beer and liquor, before he began the drive home. Police and medics would find him extremely intoxicated in a crashed car on Riverbank Drive, where a home security camera captured him speeding down Stone Hall Blvd, striking a curb, and coming to rest in the intersection. He told police he “was just driving home” in the neighborhood, however, he lives in a neighborhood approximately 8 miles away. After field sobriety tests, Hamrick submitted to a breathalyzer, where he blew a 0.166 BAC – over double the legal limit. He was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with DUI / driving under the influence. He is free on pre-trial release.