DUI: Jamie Westerhoff blows 3x BAC limit after crashing into tree

Nashville Police say 43-year-old Jamie Westerhoff drove her car into a tree next to oncoming traffic early Wednesday. She was sitting in the driver’s seat with the vehicle still in drive when officers arrived. She was unable to provide police with words in any order that made much sense, but she did blow a 0.247% BAC on the breathalyzer — over three times the legal limit in Tennessee. She was too intoxicated to perform field sobriety tests at the scene without being a danger to herself.

Man charged with DUI after truck engulfed in flames — Joel Cantin

Police made contact with 50-year-old Joel Cantin at 2700 Gallatin Pike Sunday night as his silver Ford F-150 was engulfed in flames. He had escaped the fire and was standing next to a building. He stated he hit a curb which caused his tire to burst, and was driving on the rim and wasn’t aware his truck was on fire until another motorist motioned to him. He was unsure for how long he had been driving like that, but NFD confirmed the tire was completely gone. Police say he was obviously intoxicated and admitted to drinking “a couple of beers”

Woman to Nashville Cop: “I’ll get away with it cause I’m white” — Tammera Lee arrested

Police say 42-year-old Tammera Lee drove her vehicle into a secured DCSO facility parking lot behind a staff member on S. 5th Street. Police were alerted when the unknown woman appeared to be heavily intoxicated. Officer Ronald Conner responded and Lee admitted to drinking prior to driving and responded with a “Fuck You!” when asked to perform field sobriety tests. She continued to be belligerent with the officer as he noticed several alcoholic beverages in plain sight within her vehicle. As she was informed she was being arrested for DUI, she replied “I’ll get away with it cause I’m white” according to the arrest report.

DUI: Where are you going? “Just a few licenses away” — Samuel Fruend, arrested

Metro Nashville Police found 29-year-old Samuel Fruend slumped over in the seat of his vehicle, which was parked in the middle of a lane of travel in East Nashville. As they woke him up, they asked where he was trying to go, to which Fruend replied “just a few licenses away”, and was unsure what part of town he was in. He stated he had one drink at Basement East before the incident, and more drinks at another bar before that. He eventually blew a 0.165% BAC and was taken into custody.

DUI: Tyler Miller passes a cop at 95 mph after leaving ‘Hidden Bar’ in downtown Nashville

36-year-old Tyler James Miller sped past a Metro Nasvhille Police officer at 95 mph on I-65 last weekend. The officer conducted a traffic stop during which Miller stated he was driving to his home in Antioch, however, that was in the opposite direction of his travel. He further stated he had been downtown drinking at the “Hidden Bar” inside the Noelle Hotel. Miller performed poorly on field sobriety tests. He admitted to having a handgun in the vehicle and was additionally charged for that.

Woman wants to know if ‘racist’ cops can even spell her name after DUI crash— Dre’Daya Holloway

Police responded to a single-car crash just before 3 a.m. and found 21-year-old Dre’Daya Holloway sitting inside her vehicle which she had crashed into a utility pole. Police say she was extremely intoxicated, hysterical, and rambling incoherently. She was belligerent with first responders, accusing police of being racist, and questioned if they could properly spell her name. She repeatedly asked why they had not found the vehicle that hit her, despite there being no other vehicle. She frequently responded to radio traffic on the police radio as if it were meant for her. She eventually admitted to believing she was on the TSU Campus and had just come from a party where she had been drinking Hennessy.

DUI: The man passed out behind the wheel of his Tesla would like his lawyer — Jeff Halm

Metro Nashville Police say they found 34-year-old Jeffrey Halm passed out behind the wheel of his Tesla at the corner of Gallatin Ave. & Eastland Ave. in the early hours of Monday morning. It took multiple attempts to get Halm alert and awake, at which time he became hesitant to exit the vehicle. He reportedly swayed back and forth and answered every question with “I want my lawyer”, over and over again. Police located an unopened bottle of beer in the cupholder.

Woman charged with driveway DUI, admits to driving child to school while intoxicated — Mycah Hill

Metro Nashville Police found 40-year-old Mycah Hill asleep in the driver’s seat of her idling vehicle in her driveway on Pebble Creek Drive. When officers woke her up, she was drooling from her mouth and unsteady on her feet, and swaying. She admitted to consuming a large amount of alcohol overnight and into the morning hours, including while sitting in the idling vehicle. She says she then had taken prescribed Xanax prior to driving her child to school. Officers located two open containers of alcohol in the vehicle. Despite multiple attempts, she was unable to provide sufficient samples for the breathalyzer.

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