Woman wants to know if ‘racist’ cops can even spell her name after DUI crash— Dre’Daya Holloway

Police responded to a single-car crash just before 3 a.m. and found 21-year-old Dre’Daya Holloway sitting inside her vehicle which she had crashed into a utility pole. Police say she was extremely intoxicated, hysterical, and rambling incoherently. She was belligerent with first responders, accusing police of being racist, and questioned if they could properly spell her name. She repeatedly asked why they had not found the vehicle that hit her, despite there being no other vehicle. She frequently responded to radio traffic on the police radio as if it were meant for her. She eventually admitted to believing she was on the TSU Campus and had just come from a party where she had been drinking Hennessy.

DUI: The man passed out behind the wheel of his Tesla would like his lawyer — Jeff Halm

Metro Nashville Police say they found 34-year-old Jeffrey Halm passed out behind the wheel of his Tesla at the corner of Gallatin Ave. & Eastland Ave. in the early hours of Monday morning. It took multiple attempts to get Halm alert and awake, at which time he became hesitant to exit the vehicle. He reportedly swayed back and forth and answered every question with “I want my lawyer”, over and over again. Police located an unopened bottle of beer in the cupholder.

Woman charged with driveway DUI, admits to driving child to school while intoxicated — Mycah Hill

Metro Nashville Police found 40-year-old Mycah Hill asleep in the driver’s seat of her idling vehicle in her driveway on Pebble Creek Drive. When officers woke her up, she was drooling from her mouth and unsteady on her feet, and swaying. She admitted to consuming a large amount of alcohol overnight and into the morning hours, including while sitting in the idling vehicle. She says she then had taken prescribed Xanax prior to driving her child to school. Officers located two open containers of alcohol in the vehicle. Despite multiple attempts, she was unable to provide sufficient samples for the breathalyzer.

Woman charged with DUI after crashing into friend’s East Nashville home — Suzanne Joiner

Metro Nashville Police say 36-year-old Suzanne Joiner first told them she had “cocktails” two hours before crashing into a home on Elvira Avenue. She would later admit she had “a couple of beers” just before the wreck. She reportedly used the gas pedal instead of the brake when arriving at a friend’s house, causing her to collide with multiple parked vehicles and the front porch of the house. She performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was taken into custody.

Woman crashes through fence, yard, car, after drinking on FB live — Shawntika McClain arrested

32-year-old Shawntika McClain faces multiple charges after police say she was driving this weekend and left the roadway, crashed through a fence, drove through a yard, and eventually wrecked into a vehicle parked in the driveway on Ocala Drive in Nashville. Police note she was “obviously intoxicated” and a glance at her social media shows her drinking shots on Facebook live before the crash. McClain has a prior DUI conviction in 2019.

Man found crashed, asleep behind wheel after ‘1 cup of wine’ — Tadarius Noel arrested

Police responded to a report of a traffic crash Sunday and found 22-year-old Tadarius Noel asleep behind the wheel with the vehicle still in drive, and crashed into another vehicle. Officers were able to place the vehicle in drive before waking Noel, who reeked of alcohol. He claimed he only had one cup of wine within the past couple of hours and told officers he wasn’t driving but just sitting in his vehicle parked. After performing poorly on field sobriety tests, Noel blew a 0.093 % BAC on a breathalyzer.

Man charged with DUI after leaving Play Dance Bar and crashing car — Bricen Bunt arrested

23-year-old Bricen Bunt told police he had just left Play Dance Bar, where he had drank a tequila shot, a Long Island Tea, and a vodka/Redbull, when he crashed his car into another vehicle on I-24 while driving to Murfreesboro in the early hours of Saturday morning. After performing poorly on field sobriety tests, Bunt blew a 0.134 % BAC on a breathalyzer. He is free on pre-trial release.

DUI driver hits two cars without stopping after either crash — Samantha Whitten

30-year-old Samantha Whitten faces multiple charges after police say she struck at least two vehicles and fled both scenes Monday night in Nashville. Once police caught up with her, she advised she had consumed “several” beers. Luckily, no one was injured in either vehicle she hit. She was transported to booking and charged with DUI, failure to give information/aid, violation of the implied consent law, and two counts of leaving the scene of an accident.

DUI: “Do Thang” arrested after “doing his thing” outside a Nashville Home

Metro Police responded to Raywood Lane after a citizen called in to report a car with a person inside had been parked in front of their home for several hours. Police identified 35-year-old Do Thang inside the vehicle with the keys in the ignition, his belt undone, and his pants unzipped. Officer reported he had snot running down his face and was extremely intoxicated with three open Clubtails Sunny Margarita Cans visible in the car.