Maliq Muhammad punches man in face, damages door while high on narcotic at Nashville Public Library

34-year-old Maliq Muhammad had an altercation with Dwight Mooneyhan at the Nashville Public Library on Church Street on August 5th. Upon arrival, officers noticed that security had Muhammad detained. Then, Muhammad told the police that he had hit someone and that it was the third person he had hit that day. When officers spoke with Mooneyhan, he stated that Muhammad walked up and punched him on the left side of his face. He added that he did not know why Muhammad punched him and that he had pain and bruising on the left side of his jaw. During this, Muhammad was acting erratically, making nonsensical statements, and appeared to be under the influence of a narcotic. Then, officers spoke with a security guard, Mark Crowder, who stated that Muhammad tried to run out of the building and damaged the sliding door, causing about $1,000 in damage. Muhammad was taken into custody for vandalism, public intoxication, and assault.