Zachary Webb punches girlfriend in mouth after being woken from sleep

28-year-old Zachary Webb had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Kaitlyn Dash, and roommate, Emma Lovette, at their Percy Warner Boulevard residence in the early hours of May 13th. Webb spoke with officers, telling them that he came from work and went straight to bed, which was when Dash told him to get out of bed. After he refused, she punched him in the mouth, so he pushed her. Dash screamed for Lovette to help her, and he pushed her when she entered the room. Deputies spoke with Dash, who stated that she went to “discuss some issues” with Webb, during which he became argumentative and punched her, causing her bottom lip to bleed. Lovette confirmed coming to help after Dash screamed for her and added she did not remember how she got the knot on her forehead. Webb was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for two counts of domestic assault.