Ashlee Muse assaults roommate with knife during fight at their Harding Place Apartment

29-year-old Ashlee Muse had a domestic altercation with her roommate, Macio Austin Calma, at their Harding Place apartment on August 31st. A neighbor called 911, stating that her neighbors were fighting, and one of them had a knife in their hand. When officers arrived, they located Calma and Muse, who had a knife in her hand. Officers told Muse to put the knife down. However, she put it in her purse and went inside her room instead, where she was detained. Muse and Calma refused to provide details about the incident. The caller gave officers footage from her ring camera showing Muse and Calma both holding knives. It further revealed that Calma was trying to stop Muse from grabbing the knife from his hand. During this, Muse was yelling and waving her knife around as if she were going to stab him.

Then, when Calma separated himself from the situation, Muse threw his slippers off the second-floor balcony three times. Then, on the third time, Muse and Calma approached each other. Muse continued waving her knife around while trying to retrieve Calma’s knife. When they backed away from each other, Calma turned around, holding his wrist, stating, “You just jacked me for no reason!” Officers noted that Calma had a cut on his wrist with fresh blood, consistent with the footage. Despite this, he told officers it was from a scab he had picked off recently. After officers told Calma they reviewed footage of the occurrence, he told them he was keeping the knife that he had away from her. Muse was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Habib Patt attempts to enter random Harris Hills Lane apartment, falls asleep in hallway

35-year-old Habib Patt attempted to enter a random apartment at the Harris Hills Lane apartments on September 1st. Responding officers spoke with the apartment residents. They said they didn’t know the man, later identified as Patt, and had never seen him before the incident. Then, the police located Patt sleeping on the second floor in the hallway, matching the description given by residents. Officers woke him up and noticed he was visibly intoxicated. Also, the police report stated that Patt appeared to have an altered mental state and struggled to answer basic questions. Patt was taken into custody for public intoxication.

Jemiya Dandridge shoots gun at woman during argument, caught with 7 grams of “burnt blunts”

18-year-old Jemiya Annae Dandridge had an altercation with Jayla Shephard at her Jason Drive residence on July 15th. Shephard called 911, advising that Dandridge came to her house to fight another female. She added that while Dandridge argued with the other woman, she pointed a small black pistol at her. Shephard said that when Dandridge was leaving, she fired a single round, which made Shephard fear for her safety. After Shephard alerted the authorities, responding officers observed Dandridge driving in a black Dodge Charger on Una Antioch Pike. Officers conducted an investigative stop, where Dandridge was Mirandized and detained. Shortly after, officers performed a “show-up” and positively identified Dandridge as the person in question. Officers then noticed a handgun inside a large purse in the front passenger seat that had a bag of marijuana in it, which Dandridge claimed was hers. During a subsequent search, officers discovered two additional bags of marijuana, weighing approximately 15 grams, inside a small black purse with $294, multiple packs of rolling papers, and 7 grams worth of “burnt blunts.” Dandridge was taken into custody for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, felony possession, weapon possession with intent during an offense, and unlawful use of drug paraphernalia.

Mavrick Johnson steals from Ralph Lauren at Tanger Outlets

24-year-old Mavrick Johnson was caught stealing from Ralph Lauren with Clive Jennings at the Tangler Outlets Nashville on April 12th. Security at Ralph Lauren informed officers that they observed two males concealing merchandise and trying to cut off security tags. When officers arrived, the two males came out of the door. Detective Sherman attempted to stop them, but they continued to flee on foot. Jennings and Johnson refused to stop despite multiple officer’s commands, which resulted in a lengthy foot chase. Once caught, Mavrick Johnson was taken into custody and charged with evading arrest and theft.

Taquishia Combs caught with pills after fight at WeGo Transit Center

31-year-old Taquisha Renee Combs wrestled with another female near the bus bay area at the WeGo Transit Center in Downtown Nashville on the morning of March 10th. When officers observed this, they approached and attempted to break up the altercation, but both parties continued to punch and grab each other. The officers separated and detained them and located three unidentified white pills during a search after her arrest, which she did not have a prescription for. Combs was taken into custody for resisting arrest, legend drug possession without a prescription, and disorderly conduct.

Kevin Moon burns wife’s dress to ashes; jailed for vandalism

63-year-old Kevin Moon reportedly burned a dress he purchased for his wife, Audrey Smiley. Officers were dispatched to Tusculum Rd. on October 24th regarding a video that Smiley received. As officers arrived, Smiley told them Moon sent her a video of him burning her dress. Moon told officers he burned the dress because he had bought it for her. Officers observed the remaining ashes, and Moon was taken into custody for vandalism.

Omarion Pickett charged after making threats to shoot teachers and students at Nashville School

18-year-old Omarion Pickett was sent home from High Roads Academy in October after staff say he was threating to shoot teachers and students at the school. Later that morning he made threats over the phone to bring his cousin to the school to shoot teachers and students. A warrant was issued for his arrest, charging him with felony false report of an emergency. He was booked this week on the outstanding warrant. He is free on a $2,500 bond.