Gelber Alvarado Cux charged with assault during ‘fit of rage’

33-year-old Gelber Alvarado Cux was charged with domestic assault after his wife and brother-in-law told police that he assaulted them in a fit of rage due to allegations of assault toward their child. On July 21st, police responded to a domestic call and utilized a translator to speak to Kindy Azvcely, Gelber’s wife, who told them that she witnessed Gelber holding their child in a way to restrict the child’s breathing. She stated that she confronted him, and he denied it and became irate. A physical altercation occurred between him and his wife, she grabbed his shirt resulting in her falling, and he began to kick her. She escaped the house and ran outside to tell her brother, Erwin Iran, who spoke with Gelber. Gelber assaulted Erwin too. He denied the entire encounter to the police, yet they determined him to be the primary aggressor due to Kindy and Erwin’s account.