Daniel Garner fights man at Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk, offers police oral sex to scratch his nose

37-year-old Daniel Joseph Garner caused a disturbance at Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk on the evening of May 25th. Officers reported that Garner was spotted outside of Miranda Lambert’s bar, where he had a confrontation with them regarding him harassing women. After a brief interaction, he was instructed to stop and move along. Later, Garner was found at Kid Rock’s Honky Tonk being aggressive towards patrons before physically assaulting a man in an elevator. Security intervened, removed him from the location, and detained him in a stairwell until the police arrived. Garner also reeked of alcohol, was visibly intoxicated, and had bloodshot eyes. Garner was jailed for the incident. While being transported, he made inappropriate remarks in the back of the patrol vehicle, including a request to scratch his nose in exchange for a blowjob. He further complained about being stuck in the back of the patrol car and not receiving assistance for his discomfort. Garner was taken into custody for disorderly conduct on May 26th.