Javien Carden punches girlfriend in face during argument over his cell phone

22-year-old Javien Carden was involved in a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Halle Prum, on May 1st. When officers arrived, Prum told them she had argued with Carden. Prum explained that the argument didn’t start until Carden found out he had left his phone in her car. Prum was sitting in the car with her two children when Carden approached them and told her he would break the window if she didn’t unlock the car. After Prum unlocked the vehicle, Carden entered, took the keys out of the ignition, and told her she wasn’t going anywhere. Someone walking by asked Prum if she needed help. After Prum told her to call the cops, Carden returned the keys and told her to drive. Prum drove to the leasing office, called her mom, and told her what had happened. According to Prum, this caused Cardent to get angry and punch her in the face. Javien Carden was taken into custody and charged with domestic assault on May 21st.