Ross Yeo charged with DUI after crashing into mailbox on Old Clarksville Pike

25-year-old Ross Yeo told police he was “going through things” and “needed to leave it all up to him” but would not elaborate further when they found him on Old Clarksville Pike late Friday night. He reportedly reeked of alcohol and had run over a mailbox about forty-five minutes prior. He also admitted to consuming a Heineken and four mixed drinks prior to driving. Police found his wrecked vehicle some distance away on Old Clarksville Pike, with an open case Heineken inside. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was taken into custody. He later blew a 0.110% BAC on a breathalyzer.

Thomas Hopper throws fit on downtown Nashville sidewalk, angry at bouncers

21-year-old Thomas Aaron Hopper was observed in a shouting match with security in front of Nashville Underground on Broadway in downtown Nashville late Saturday night. He began to flail his arms violently, causing a hazard to others around him, and attempted to escalate the matter with security officers. He was visibly intoxicated and refused orders from nearby Metro Police Officers to disperse and move along his way. He then kicked over a sign on the sidewalk and was placed under arrest.

Tyler Bashaw jailed after brawling with Honky Tonk Central security

28-year-old Tyler Bashaw and others were involved in a fight with security staff at Honky Tonk Central just before last call Sunday morning and was detained by bouncers. He had reportedly assaulted one of the bouncers, and they wanted him removed from the property. Metro Nashville Police arrived to find him visibly intoxicated and reeking of alcohol. The victim stated he would prosecute for the assault at a later time.

Frances Tindall breaks PVC pipe off building to wash her hands and groin in front of cops

27-year-old Frances Tindall was jailed on July 7th when PPG Paints employees reported a woman banging on the front door and taking her clothes off. When officers arrived, they observed Tindall on the property acting erratically and not making any sense. Officers advised Tindall that she was trespassing and that she needed to leave the property. Tindall then stood up and threw trash onto the ground toward the officers. They told her again that she needed to leave, so she began walking away but stopped and pulled a PVC pipe off of the wall of the building. She then used the water from the broken pipe to wash her hands and groin and was taken into custody.

DUI: Prince Kwarteng blows 0.225% BAC after crashing into tree

33-year-old Prince Kwarteng was booked on July 9th after driving drunk into a tree on Couchville Pike. When police arrived, they observed Prince trapped in his gray Chrysler Sebring. He told the officers that he lost control and drove off the road. Prince admitted to drinking 1-2 Hennessey drinks. He had watery eyes, smelled strongly of alcohol, and had urinated on himself. He was transported to Century Farms Hospital, where he performed sobriety tests. Prince showed indicators of being extremely drunk and was taken into custody. He blew a .225% BAC on the breathalyzer.

Andrew Cheesman assaults yet another woman while out on bond for a prior sadistic assault

32-year-old Andrew Cheesman was jailed on July 8th for assaulting his fiancee at their home on Mullen Circle after an argument about suspected cheating. When police arrived, they saw Christina Rodriguez on the front lawn with red marks on her neck and back. She had a bruise on the inside of her left hand and told police her fiance had tried to take her phone the night before because he thought she was cheating on him. That caused a brief altercation during which she sustained a back injury.

According to Rodriguez, there was another fight that day when Cheesman said, “You’re ruining my life,” and began strangling her. Rodriguez tried to push him off of her, and he grabbed her by the wrist and started hitting his own face with her hand, saying, “If I’m going to jail, you’re going with me.” He had a small cut above his left eyebrow and small red marks on his neck. He told police that it was Rodriguez that tried to take his phone, then got on top of him and started hitting him. There were no witnesses or camera footage of the incident, nor was there a significant difference in injuries; however, due to Cheesman’s repeated domestic violence history with multiple other women and the size comparison, he was determined to be the primary aggressor. In 2021 we covered his arrest when he was accused of the brutal sadistic assault of a woman. He was out on bond for that case when this new assault occurred.

Steffie Misner Wampler charged in road rage incident after attacking a car with her fists

Police say 38-year-old Steffie Misner Wampler was in a road rage incident with another motorist on June 14th on Centennial Blvd. She pulled alongside another vehicle that was now parked in the parking lot of a Dollar General. She began screaming and yelling at the other driver, claiming the victim cut her off in traffic. She then exited her 2013 Toyota Prius and began to bang on his vehicle with her fists, causing significant damage to his rear quarter panel. The victim recorded the incident, which was viewed by police. She was issued a citation for vandalism, which she was booked on this week.

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