Kevontay Fells bites girlfriend’s face after soaking her with tea

22-year-old Kevontay Fells threw a cup of tea at his girlfriend, Ga’Kira Whitson, soaking her with the liquid during an argument on June 29. The two were reportedly arguing over “relationship issues” at the time. She says he then pushed her, she pushed him back, and then he grabbed her face and bit it, leaving a visible injury per police. Kevontay told police that he only bit her face because she bit his face first. He was determined to be the primary aggressor and taken into custody.

Christian Dewaratanawanich smashes boyfriend’s head with candle during breakup

28-year-old Christian Dewaratanawanich was jailed on June 27th after assaulting his boyfriend at their home at Brighton Valley Apartments. Ethan Hall told police that he and Christian got into an argument, and he suggested they break up, which sent Christian into a rage. Christian started throwing things and yelling at Ethan as Ethan tried to calm him down because they just moved into the apartments, and their neighbors could hear the commotion. Christan threw a candle jar at Ethan’s head, causing a bloody gash. Sergio was on the phone with Ethan during the incident. Sergio drove over to the apartments when police arrived and told them he heard Christian yelling at Ethan and Ethan urging him to stop so they don’t disturb the neighbors. Sergio added this is not the first time Christian has been physical with Ethan. Ethan told police he had never reported previous incidents. Based on Ethan’s visible injuries and the statements of the incident, officers obtained a warrant on Ethan’s behalf despite him not wanting to press charges.

Cherree Jenkins attempts to evict disabled roommate with baseball bat

37-year-old Cherree Jenkins was jailed on June 27th after coming after her disabled roommate with a metal bat and stealing his TV. Police spoke with Horace Ewing, who said while he was away, Ms. Jenkins broke into his room and took the door off the hinges. When he returned home, he asked her where his door was, and she told him she had taken it off because he was being evicted. Horace stayed in his room and avoided Ms. Jenkins to prevent the situation from escalating. The next day while Horace was in his room, Ms. Jenkins entered holding a metal bat. She started swinging it around, telling Horace he had two hours to get his stuff and get out, and if he didn’t, she “had something for him.” He was afraid and remained in his room while Ms. Jenkins took all his clothes, bagged them, and threw them outside. Police told her that she couldn’t throw his belongings outside. While police spoke with him, Ms. Jenkins was inside, taking the TV out of his room and putting it in hers. Ms. Jenkins’ aunt is a partial owner of the home and rented a room to Horace. Officers spoke with Davidson County Sherriff’s office, who stated that no active eviction was on file.

Alexander LeClaire crashes after successfully fleeing police in Hyundai Elantra

22-year-old Alexander LeClaire was booked this week on a citation from May 30th, when police saw him speeding on Robinson Road. As he passed the police, he turned his lights off to black out his 2016 Hyundai Elantra and accelerated more. Police tried to catch up to the vehicle but were unable to. They lost sight of the car near Old Hickory Boulevard and Shute Lane. As they approached an intersection, they saw the same vehicle wrecked on the road. They observed Leclaire out of the vehicle and walking away. He blurted out that he knew his license was bad and was trying to get home. He admitted to speeding and turning his lights off to get away from the police.

Juan Jose Mendoza Soriano led police on chase “for the adrenalin rush,” per report

19-year-old Juan Jose Mendoza Soriano was jailed on June 24th after police saw him driving a white Buick SUV aggressively on Bell Road. He was observed crossing the double yellow lines and speeding to pass cars. Police then saw him run a red light and continue to travel to the wrong side of the road to pass other vehicles. Police activated their lights and sirens and attempted to pull him over, but he continued to speed off, trying to reach the vehicle’s maximum speed. Another officer deployed spikes, but Mendoza avoided the spikes and turned his lights off to black out his SUV. He then entered an apartment complex and bailed on foot. He was found in the wood lines and was taken into custody. He later told police that he ran from them due to adrenalin. Police found multiple open containers in his vehicle, and he blew a .043% BAC on a breathalyzer.

DUI: Robert Kilbane drives into tree at White Castle on Broadway

28-year-old Robert Kilbane fell asleep and drove his white Chevy Silverado onto a curb at the White Castle on Broadway in downtown Nashville and into a tree just after 5 a.m. Thursday. It took multiple attempts for first responders to awaken Kilbane, but he eventually exited the vehicle while unsteady on his feet and reeking of alcohol. Kilbane told officers he had “a couple of beers” with friends earlier in the night. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was taken into custody, charged with DUI.

Titans’ running back Hassan Haskins & girlfriend jailed after domestic violence exchange

Tennessee Titans’ running back Hassan Haskins was jailed Thursday after reportedly strangling girlfriend Makiah Green when she ‘liked’ another man’s Instagram Photo. In a subsequent argument over their breakup, Haskins reportedly kicked through a door in their home and cocked a handgun, and stated, “I hope you would,” as she threatened to slash his tires after ripping a $5,000 chain from his neck. She was also jailed during a second argument over their breakup.

Mackensie Brown escapes custody at Nashville Jail after returning from court

22-year-old DCSO inmate Mackensie Brown slipped her handcuffs after returning from court on June 23 to the CDF on the Sheriff’s Southeast Campus. As she was standing outside the transportation vehicle, she ran away from the transport officers and up a hill toward the maintenance sheds, causing a large number of officers to follow in pursuit. She was taken back into custody and did not make it out of the campus perimeter according to the department. She now faces a felony escape charge with a new additional $50,000 bond and multiple internal violations.

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