Dynasia Day jailed after road rage incident on interstate

20-year-old Dynasia Day faces multiple felony charges after a road rage incident on I-24 East Friday afternoon. A family in a GMC Acadia was traveling on the roadway when Day attempted to turn into their lane. The father honked his horn to alert Day, and in response, she sped up to get in front of the Acadia, then abruptly got back into her lane and swerved into the left lane with the Acadia three times. The third time, she hit the victim’s vehicle on the passenger side. The family was able to capture the license plate and positively identify Day via a lineup. 

Ethan Coles attacks brother in Nashville; his brother fought back

20-year-old Charles ‘Ethan’ Coles and his brother Daniel Coles were in downtown Nashville Tuesday when Ethan was highly intoxicated and attempted to instigate a fight with his brother. Daniel attempted to walk away to diffuse the situation when Ethan attempted to punch him in the back of the head at first and succeeded on the second attempt. In response to the attack continuing, Daniel picked up his brother and “threw him on the ground.” When he didn’t stop, Daniel then punched him in the face, leaving an injury to Ethan’s mouth. Witnesses corroborated the events, and Ethan was taken into custody.

Daniel White found drunk in kitchen of Broadway Brewhouse during CMA Fest

22-year-old Daniel White was jailed Sunday after police found him in the kitchen area of the Broadway Brewhouse. Police escorted him out and noticed a few small abrasions on his face. White refused all treatment offered. He couldn’t tell the police where he lived or was staying and had no one to pick him up. He also locked himself out of his cell phone, at which point he was taken into custody as he could not care for himself.

DUI: Dorian Battle falls asleep behind the wheel in the middle of interstate traffic

23-year-old Dorian Battle says he had “two shots of tequila” and Luke’s bar in Nashville shortly before he was found asleep behind the wheel of his vehicle in an active lane of travel on Interstate 40E near exit 212 early Saturday morning. When officers attempted to wake Battle from his slumber, he drove away from the scene. Officers followed him until he stopped on Fessler’s Lane just before Elm Hill Pike. He performed poorly on some field sobriety tests and later blew a 0.95% BAC on a breathalyzer.

Keniya Green charged with assault after fighting in front of officers

19-year-old Keniya Green was in an altercation with Sammeca Hall on Edgehill Ave Friday night, along with other individuals. While officers were investigating the incident, she aggressively approached the victim again and had to be separated by officers. She became even more aggressive and assumed a fighting stance attempting to escalate the situation. She was taken into custody for assault after placing the victim in fear of bodily injury. 

Alberto Gomez jailed after fighting at Honky Tonk Central during CMA Fest

37-year-old Alberto R. Luque Gomez was in a fight with another individual at Honky Tonk Central on Broadway in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Sunday morning. Officers ordered the two to break up the altercation, but they continued actively fighting. Officers were eventually able to separate the individuals and detained Gomez, who stated he consumed at least “five beers.” Due to his level of intoxication and the likelihood of the behavior continuing, he was taken into custody.

Tourist Bradley Osterman enters woman’s hotel room, tells her to get out of the bed, it’s his

36-year-old Wisconsin man Brad Osterman is charged with the assault of a woman in her hotel room during his May visit to Nashville. Police say Lisa Noon was asleep in her hotel room at the Noelle Hotel in downtown Nashville around 4 a.m. on May 17 when she woke up to a man shoving her several times and saying “I’m Brad, this is my room!” As she reached for the phone to call for help, he reportedly knocked the phone from her hand, cutting her finger in the process. Police believe her door wasn’t properly latched, and Brad believed he was in his own room. Osterman had been drinking earlier in the evening.

Justin Lillard smashes $4K table and bouncer’s face at Twelve Thirty Club during CMA Fest

Police say 37-year-old Justiun Lillard assaulted an employee on the second floor of the Twelve Thirty Club on Broadway during CMA Fest Sunday night. Security initially responded as Lillard and another individual were fighting, and bouncers separated the individuals and held them apart. Danial Holm took control of Lillard and began to escort him out of the venue, and once outside, Lillard punched him square in the face, leaving him with bruising to his left cheek and eye. During the original altercation, Lillard knocked over and damaged a $4,000 table.

Ross Wilkerson bounced from Whiskey Row for being drunk and disorderly in downtown Nashville

22-year-old Ross Wilkerson was arguing with his girlfriend at Whiskey Row on Broadway in downtown Nashville Sunday when security eventually escorted him out of the venue for being disorderly and disturbing other patrons. He encountered MNPD Officers outside, who noted he reeked of alcohol and was swaying and unsteady on his feet. Due to his behavior and level of intoxication, Wilkerson was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication. 

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