Thomas Patton charged with DUI after leaving bachelor party

47-year-old Thomas Patton pulled out in front of officers on Gallatin Pike and began driving erratically on the morning of August 6. Police conducted a traffic stop, and Thomas gave them his debit card when they asked for identification. Thomas agreed to step out of the vehicle and perform sobriety tests. He showed signs of intoxication and was placed into custody. While transported to booking, he told the officers that he came from a bachelor party and originally planned to have his wife pick him up. He said that he drove because he lived close by.

Rico Haney Jr jailed after accidentally firing handgun into neighbors apartment

24-year-old Rico Haney Jr told police he was “dry firing” his Beretta 9mm inside his apartment at Rivergate Meadows in Goodlettsville when he did not realize a round was in the chamber. He said he accidentally fired the round chambered, causing the police to respond to the shots fired call. The round went through his front door and into his neighbor’s, vacant at the time, apartment. Rico said he told the neighbors, called 911 and left them a note. During the investigation police found the spent round, damage to Rico and the neighbors’ front doors, and damage to the wall in the neighbor’s apartment. Rico was very apologetic about the situation. He also told police that he had no prior history and had just gotten accepted into a master’s program for I.T.

Nelson Tut Gutz found passed out with knife after threatening his roommate

20-year-old Nelson Tut Gutz arrived at his apartment intoxicated and started an argument with his roommate, Emerson Fernandolriarte-Calderon, on August 5. Nelson stated that he did not like Emerson because he was from Honduras. He also said that Nelson punched him in the face, which the officers noted swelling under his right eye. Nelson then grabbed a large kitchen knife (approximately six inches) and aggressively approached Emerson. Emerson said that Nelson followed him outside while still holding the knife and said, “I’ll be waiting for you with a knife.” He was standing outside the complex shirtless and shoeless as he spoke to the police because he said he was afraid to return to the apartment.

Police found Nelson asleep at the kitchen table with a knife within arm’s reach and nothing else to suggest the usage of a knife. They removed the knife and woke Nelson to ask him about the situation. He initially stated that he did not know anything of an incident between him and Emerson. Intoxicated, he told police that he had no idea why they were called and made comments that did not pertain to the situation. After police rephrased the questions for the translator whom Nelson spoke to via a cellphone, he said he remembered the altercation and was “calm now.” Nelson admitted to grabbing the knife but did not answer if he remembered the threat he made with it. He finally gave the police his driver’s license after some miscommunications and was placed into custody.

Emma Bonnet charged in domestic assault of mother, Kathleen Bonnet

Police responded to a call Friday afternoon on Tulane Court and found 34-year-old Emma Bonnet being followed by her mother, Kathleen Bonnett, into the residence. Officers looked through the window when they heard a disturbance inside and saw a lamp fall over. Emma, while holding her mother’s phone, then told police that they could come in, and they reported that Kathleen had a cut on her right arm that was bleeding. Police stated that the cut was not there earlier when they were speaking to Kathleen. Kathleen said that Emma assaulted her, and she wanted to prosecute.

DUI: Adrian Arrowood says he “made a mistake” by plowing through a closed street & bike lane

23-year-old Adrian Arrowood was stopped by Officer Parlato for attempting to drive down a road that was blocked off. The officer said Adrian hit bike lane markers before he pulled him over and asked for backup. The officers that arrived spoke with Officer Parlato then they spoke to Adrian. They said that Adrian smelled of alcohol and told them he had “two or three beers” at a karaoke bar with his friend before driving. He then told police that he “had made a mistake,” which police asked what he meant by that, and he said he was “probably too drunk to drive.” After showing clear signs of intoxication during sobriety tests, Adrian was arrested for DUI and consented to a blood draw.

Richard Morris charged with DUI after drinking and smoking marijuana

27-year-old Richard Morris was charged with DUI after police found him at the scene of an accident where his car hit a pole. He told police that he was too busy paying attention to his phone and he veered off West End Ave. Police said that Richard smelled strongly of alcohol when they were talking to them. Richard said that he smoked marijuana and had two daiquiris earlier that Saturday. He performed poorly on the sobriety tests police administered; they said he showed visible signs of intoxication and refused to give a blood sample. However, Richard did consent to a breathalyzer test in which he blew a 0.000% BAC. Police described his pupils as being heavily dilated in a well-lit room.

Drunk Illinois man Charles Hall knocks child to the ground at Nashville Airport

42-year-old Charles Hall, of Illinois, was refused boarding of an airplane at Nashville International Airport Saturday afternoon after airline employees observed him knock a child to the ground while standing in line due to his drunkenness. While waiting for another flight, Hall went to an airport bar and consumed more alcohol until the bartenders refused to serve him anymore. He caused a commotion, and airport police responded and noticed his extreme level of intoxication. He was given the chance to take a car service to a hotel but refused all offers of assistance. Hall was taken into custody and transported to booking.

Nashville drag queen ‘Britney Banks’ jailed for punching husband Ryan in face (Chase Brisentine)

40-year-old Chase Brisentine, better known as Nashville’s very own “Glamazon” drag queen “Britney Banks,” was jailed early Sunday morning after punching his husband, Ryan Brisentine, in the face. The two were driving home from a friend’s house when they got into a verbal argument. Ryan, who was driving, said Chase then punched him in the face multiple times. Officers documented visible injuries to Ryan’s face. Chase admitted to the assault, stating he “got annoyed” with his husband, so he punched him.

Mario Greer charged in sexual assault of hotel employee where he worked as a valet

25-year-old Mario Greer is accused of sexually assaulting an employee of the Embassy Suites Hotel in downtown Nashville, where he worked as a valet. The victim says that on March 5, Greer, who she only vaguely knew as someone who worked in the building, followed her into the service elevator after her lunch break. She says he put her in a “bear hug” from behind and she could feel his erect member through his pants. He reportedly fondled her breasts and buttocks before she was able to break away. Officers documented bruising on her arm, and a warrant was issued for Greer’s arrest.

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