Claudia Gavidia assaults boyfriend & minor daughter, destroys her phone during altercation

37-year-old Claudia Gavidia had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Nicolas Martinez Velis, and her minor daughter at their Cathy Jo Circle residence on July 30th. Dispatch was notified that individuals were fighting at the location. When the officers arrived, they observed Gavidia’s daughter covered in dirt and grass. She explained that she witnessed Gavidia trying to hit Velis with a power cable and attempted to intervene. Gavidia’s daughter added that her little brother was crying inside the home and that she was concerned for his safety. She told officers that she yelled at Gavidia, telling her to leave them alone and that she was going to call the police. After this, she said she ran outside to the front yard to alert the authorities but could not because Gavidia ran after her and took her iPhone away. Then, Gavidia and her daughter wrestled and fought in the grass over the phone. Gavidia reportedly took the phone inside the home and smashed it onto the hardwood floor. Officers observed the shattered cell phone and discovered it was inoperable. Gavidia’s daughter told them the $1,300 iPhone 12 Pro Max was a gift from her aunt due to her concerns about ongoing issues with Gavidia. When officers spoke with Gavidia, she denied any argument or physical scuffle between her and Velis. Then, Gavidia told officers that she had taken the phone away from her because she always calls her aunt during their disputes and admitted to smashing the phone. Velis told officers that he and Gavidia had a verbal dispute, during which she threw a cord at his head but missed. Gavidia was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for two counts of domestic assault, interference with a 911 call, vandalism, and robbery.

“BunMom” Erica Cowing punches boyfriend in head during drunk altercation

40-year-old Erica Cowing had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Jesse Ceballos, at a Preston Run residence late July 12th.  When officers arrived, they observed Cowing sitting on the floor in the master bedroom behind the door and Ceballos standing in the living room. Cowing was very uncooperative and reeked of alcohol when describing what happened to the officers. Ceballos told officers that he was in bed when Cowing entered the room aggressively, causing him to get out of bed. Ceballos stated that as he tried to exit, Cowing shoved and punched him on the right side of his head. Ceballos said he tried calling 911, but Cowing took his phone, so he used his mother, Maria Ceballos’ phone. Maria, who witnessed the entire incident, spoke with officers and corroborated Jesse’s statements. Cowing was then deemed the primary aggressor. Cowing was taken into custody for domestic assault and interfering with a 911 call on July 13th.

Dipendra Bist drunkenly assaults wife, threatens to kill family & himself

39-year-old Dipendra Bist was involved in a domestic altercation with his wife, Kumari Joshi, at their Western Hills apartment on July 12th. When officers arrived, Joshi told them that Bist had consumed some alcohol when he woke up that morning, causing him to be aggressive toward her. During their interaction with each other, Bist took Joshi’s keys. In response to this, Joshi ran outside and called 911. Bist ran after her and chased her through the parking lot. Once Bist caught up to Joshi, he grabbed her phone so she couldn’t call 911. Bist grabbed Joshi by the arm and pulled her back inside the apartment. According to Joshi, once she and Bist were inside, he hit her in the head, pulled her hair, and hit her on her back. Joshi told officers that Bist found a knife she had hidden earlier in the day and started hitting it on the floor. Bist then began sharpening the knife with a stone while threatening to kill his family and himself. Bist also threatened to cut his wrists with the knife. Joshi and the children locked themselves in the room. While they were in the room, Bist told them he would take the car. Bist went back and forth in the parking lot around five times. Bist then yelled at their 11-year-old daughter to go to the store and buy him more alcohol. Bist eventually fell asleep, and Joshi was able to call 911. When officers talked to Bist, he told them that there were no threats or violence. Bist also stated that he only pulled Joshi back into the parking lot because he didn’t want her to leave. Dipendra Bist was taken into custody and charged with interfering with emergency call, false imprisonment, domestic assault, and three counts of aggravated assault.

Damali Sommerville assaults girlfriend during argument over her phone

Officers responded to Stewarts Ferry Apartments on May 16th regarding a domestic disturbance. Rashanda Harris states she was taking a bath when her husband, 23-year-old Damali Sommerville, asked to look through her phone. Harris refused, causing an argument that turned physical when Sommerville began to strike her, throwing her to the ground, then he wrapped his hand around her neck and clenched down. While Harris was on the phone with the Police, Sommerville took the phone out of her hand and threw it into the bathtub, causing it to disconnect. Officers observed marks around Harris’s neck, a laceration on her lip, bruising on her arm, and scratch marks throughout her body. Harris went to the hospital for her injuries and did not wish to prosecute. Sommerville fled the scene before Officers arrived.