Heather Turner deemed too drunk for Nashville International Airport

35-year-old Heather Dianne Turner was observed crying and sitting in a pedestrian walkway at the ticketing level of Nashville International Airport around 4:30 a.m. on August 16th. Officers were called for a welfare check on a female, later identified as Turner, who was described as emotionally distraught. When they arrived, they located Turner, who told them she was flying out of Southwest Airlines at 5:30 a.m. Then, Turner tried standing up but was unsteady on her feet. Officers then informed her that she was about to miss her flight. Turner attempted to gather her bags, during which she nearly fell over several times. Eventually, Turner fell and needed the officers’ assistance to get back up. The police explained to Turner that the airline would not let her fly in her current condition and that she could get a hotel room to sleep it off. Turner told them she was unsure if she had money for a room. During their interaction, officers noticed she reeked of alcohol and was visibly impaired, so they asked her if she had been drinking. After initially denying alcohol consumption, Turner admitted to drinking and stated she did not know anyone locally who could come get her. Turner was deemed a danger to herself and was taken into custody for public intoxication.