Jaime Llamas Jr. assaults & aggressively rapes girlfriend at gunpoint during argument

28-year-old Jaime Llamas Jr. had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend at her apartment on August 19th. His girlfriend told responding officers that Llamas Jr. came over and argued about their relationship. She stated that during the dispute, Llamas Jr. grabbed a Sig Sauer P365 handgun and started threatening her. Then, she said he forced the gun into her mouth, pressed it against her head, and pointed it at her body. She stated that this made her fearful and felt she could not leave. Llamas Jr. reportedly said that he could kill her and that he knew people who would “hide her body.” Llamas Jr. then began striking and kicking her, leaving bruises that MNPD Special Victims Detectives later observed. She said that Llamas Jr. told her to go upstairs to her office, where he made her remove her clothes. Llamas Jr. then forced her to perform sexual acts on him while the handgun was in his reach. She stated that she told Llamas Jr., “No,” and, “I do not want to do this,” while she cried. After this, she said that Llamas Jr. forced her to perform more intense sexual acts on him before throwing her onto the ground, where he continued to assault her. Then, she added that Llamas Jr. sexually assaulted her with a sex toy even after she told him she did not want him to. Detectives noticed she had visible injuries to her head, arms, torso, and buttocks. Then, police interviewed Llamas Jr. at MNPD Headquarters, where he initially stated that he only verbally argued with her. Then, Llamas Jr. later said they had a struggle over his phone. However, when detectives questioned him about her injuries, he motioned as if he had thrown her. Llamas Jr. was then taken into custody for aggravated kidnapping and aggravated rape.