Wannabe Ghost Rider Jason Sawyer gets dragged by truck on Broadway after swinging large chain around

46-year-old Jason Sawyer was standing in the bed of a pickup truck at the 1st Avenue and Broadway intersection late August 31st. Sawyer was also swinging a large chain, endangering the safety of others. Officers observed this and ordered Sawyer to stop and sit in the truck bed several times before he complied. The driver told the police that Sawyer had been disorderly all night and refused to get out of the truck bed. After this, Sawyer and the driver left toward 1st Avenue, and officers followed them. While following them, the police observed the truck stop in the middle of the road. Officers then noticed Sawyer and the driver started arguing. The driver told officers she was the vehicle owner and wanted him removed immediately. Then, the police told Sawyer to get out of the truck. However, he was argumentative before complying. Once Sawyer was out of the truck, the driver started driving away. Sawyer then quickly jumped back onto the tailgate, dragging his legs. Officers yelled at him to get down and grabbed onto his back. During this, the truck dragged both the police officers and Sawyer for about ten feet. After this, officers pulled Sawyer off of the truck, causing them to fall onto the ground, before placing him under arrest. While detaining Sawyer, he was resistive, and officers noticed he showed signs of impairment. Sawyer was taken into custody for resisting arrest, public intoxication, and disorderly conduct.