Timothy Verdugo Holland sits on roommate after being told he’s using can opener wrong

33-year-old Timothy Verdugo Holland was involved in an altercation with his roommate, Jeffrey Dixon, on August 27th. When officers arrived and spoke with Dixon, he told them the incident started when he saw Holland using a can opener incorrectly. Dixon stated that when he asked Holland if he needed help, Holland turned around, pushed him to the ground, and then sat on him. When officers made contact with Holland, he told them that instead of Dixon trying to help him with the can opener, he took it out of his hand and then pulled him back. Holland confessed that this was when he pushed Dixon and sat on him. Officers later spoke with Holland about the incident again. However, this time, he had never mentioned that Dixon had pulled him away from the can opener. Due to Holland changing his statement and admitting that he got physical with Dixon, he was taken into custody for domestic assault.