Jessica Lucious throws PlayStation 5 controller at boyfriend after telling him to rest

25-year-old Jessica Lucious had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Dmaure Mcmanaway, at their Old Hickory Boulevard residence late February 6th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Mcmanaway, who stated that he and Lucious had a verbal dispute after he came home from a twelve-hour shift. Mcmanaway said that Lucious had told him to rest. However, when he attempted to lie down, Lucious became upset that he was not spending time with her. After this, Mcmanaway told officers that Lucious called one of her friends and began talking loudly and disrespectfully about him, causing him to exit the room. Then, he asked her why she was disrespecting him, to which Lucious and her friend on the phone berated him. Mcmanaway said he returned to his room and turned on his Bluetooth speaker towards the door. Mcmanaway added that he played the music loud enough to prevent him from hearing their conversation. He stated that Lucious knocked on his door and asked to grab some belongings. When Mcmanaway opened the door, Lucious started grabbing items and cursing at him. Mcmanaway said Lucious left his room afterward, so he locked the door. However, Lucious returned and asked to enter his room. Mcmanaway stated he asked her what she wanted so that he could grab it for her. Then, he said he heard Lucious running toward the door and damaging the door frame before entering forcefully. Mcmanaway told the police he was lying in bed, recording the incident. In the recording, Lucious can be heard saying, “I do not give a f*ck! I know what I did!” Mcmanaway said that after Lucious had left the room, he had stood up and walked towards the doorframe. Then, he said that Lucious grabbed his PlayStation 5 controller and threw it at him. However, Mcmanaway noted it missed him and hit the door. Mcmanaway informed the police that repairing his controller would cost $50. Then, he went into detail, stating that after he tried to lie down to rest again, Lucious jumped on him and started punching him. Then, Mcmanaway said Lucious called 911 and left the residence. Officers called Lucious multiple times, but it went to her voicemail. Police deemed Lucious the primary aggressor and obtained a warrant for her arrest. Lucious was taken into custody for vandalism on August 28th.