Former Chief Deputy Joey Workman violates protection order after wife invites him over for drinks

52-year-old Former Davidson County Clerk Chief Deputy Joey Workman violated an order of protection that his wife, Heather Workman, placed against him on August 27th at her Walden Way residence on August 28th. Heather told responding officers that she had invited Joey over to the location. She further explained that Joey had started drinking. Heather then advised him that she had an active order of protection against him. When the police arrived, they observed Joey sitting on the couch in the living room. Then, police confirmed an order of protection prohibiting him from contacting Heather had been served to him on August 27th and detained him for the occurrence. Joey Workman was taken into custody for an order of protection violation. Davidson County Clerk Brenda Wynn says Workman left the office in May 2024.