Jon Brotherton drunkenly destroys Vision of Life Outreach’s glass front door during altercation

39-year-old Jon Brotherton destroyed Vision of Life Outreach’s glass front door on September 27th, 2020. When officers arrived and spoke with a witness of the incident, Ronnie Smiley, he stated that Brotherton came inside to worship. While Brotherton was there, it was reported that he became disorderly, so he was asked to leave, which he did. Brotherton later returned and kicked the glass front door. This caused it to shatter and give Brotherton a laceration on his foot. Once officers came into contact with Brotherton, he confessed to them that he had been drinking earlier in the night. Officers then cited Brotherton for the occurrence that day. Brotherton was later booked on the citation of disorderly conduct and charged with public intoxication on August 19th, 2024.