Whitney Martishius bites boyfriend’s ear after seeing texts from another woman

31-year-old Whitney Lavon Martishius had a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Ryan Shannon, at her Fairfax Avenue apartment late July 22nd. Shannon told responding officers that he and Martishius had gotten into an argument after she saw text messages from a woman he used to talk to. He added that she started striking him in the face and bit his right ear, drawing blood. When officers spoke with Martishius, she denied that anything physical occurred. Due to the injuries Shannon sustained, they deemed her the primary aggressor. Martishius was then taken into custody for domestic assault on July 23rd.

Vanderbilt Wrestler Brayden Thomas Edman jailed after being too drunk to care for himself in public

21-year-old Vanderbilt wrestler Brayden Thomas Edman was found wandering through the lobby of a building at 2 a.m. Saturday, while attempting to gain access to restricted upper floors. Building security alerted Metro Nashville Police, who responded to the scene. “B.T.” Edman initially told officers he was simply attempting to find his vehicle. He had extremely slurred speech and kept pulling out his wallet when asked if he could use his phone to arrange a rideshare away from the scene. He eventually stated his phone was “in the hallway,” but it was not found. The officer also attempted to locate the party that Edman claimed brought him to the address without success. Edmon admitted to consuming two shots of alcohol and drinking three cocktails. He refused all medical assistance and was eventually taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.