Hillary Dubon shoves baby daddy’s head into the ground during argument over son

25-year-old Hillary Morales Dubon was involved in an altercation with the father of her child, Misael Lopez Vega, on August 25th at her Brick Church Pike residence. When officers arrived and spoke with Dubon, she stated that she had argued with Vega about him not returning their son at the time they agreed on. Dubon told officers that when she asked Vega to leave, he pushed her and then hit her in the face. Officers later made contact and spoke with Vega about the incident. Vega told officers that during an argument, Dubon assaulted him. Vega stated Dubon pushed him, grabbed him by the neck, and shoved his head to the ground. Vega stated that he acted in self-defense by pushing Dubon off of him and hitting her in the face as he attempted to get away from her. A witness who was still present confirmed all of Vega’s statements. When officers questioned Dubon again, she admitted to pushing Vega first. After police observed visible injuries on Vega, Dubon was deemed the primary aggressor and taken into custody for domestic assault.

DUI: April Blacksmith crashes Chevy Impala into parked car after driving without license

56-year-old April Denise Blacksmith crashed her black Chevy Impala into a parked vehicle near the South 11th Street and Shelby Avenue intersection on July 30th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Blacksmith, who initially stated she was in the car before admitting she was the driver. During their interaction, officers noticed she reeked of alcohol and was dropping things out of her hands. Then, Blacksmith admitted she drank beer and had a couple shots a few hours prior. When prompted, Blacksmith consented to sobriety tests, performed poorly, and after being informed of implied consent, refused to provide a chemical sample. Then, the police ran her information and discovered she had no valid driver’s license. Blacksmith was then taken into custody for driving under the influence, an implied consent violation, and having no valid driver’s license.

Jerimee Gupton strangles girlfriend, throws her across room after she tells him she’s moving out

22-year-old Jerimee Gupton had a domestic altercation with his girlfriend, Grace Geter, at his Blue Ridge Road residence late July 29th. Geter told responding officers that Gupton attacked her after she informed him that she was moving out. Geter further explained that Gupton told her he did not want her to leave. This led to Gupton grabbing and breaking her phone while she sat on the bed, packing her belongings. Geter added that after Gupton broke her phone, she tried to leave because her child was present. Then, Geter said that Gupton wrapped his hands around her neck and began strangling her, which impeded her breathing. During this, she said he continued to stand over her before hitting her head against the wall. Geter then advised officers that she nearly lost consciousness until Gupton released her. Geter stated that when she tried to get up from the ground, he started kicking and punching her in the back.

Then, she said she attempted to leave, but he began strangling her again and threw her across the room, causing her to fear for her life. After this, Geter told officers she ran across the street to a friend’s house and waited for the police to arrive. The police observed visible bruising around her neck consistent with strangulation, corroborating her statements. Then, officers spoke with Gupton, who stated that he and Geter had a verbal dispute over her wanting to leave the residence. Gupton admitted to breaking her phone after she had allegedly damaged their shared television. Then, he said the incident escalated when he tried to remove a baseball bat from her hands. Gupton was deemed the primary aggressor and was taken into custody for aggravated assault and vandalism on July 30th.

Robert Tarter pretends to walk in front of patrol car, tells officers he’s in Kentucky

60-year-old Robert Tarter caused a disturbance near IMT Germantown on 3rd Avenue North in the early hours of May 1st. When officers arrived, they located him standing on the sidewalk, yelling after he acted like he was about to step in front of their patrol car while it was moving. Then, officers spoke with Tarter, who claimed he was in Louisville, Kentucky, and showed numerous signs of impairment. Tarter told officers he had taken some new medication, which was not mixing well with the alcohol he consumed. Tarter was deemed a danger to himself and others and was taken into custody for public intoxication.