Tristan Williams hits boyfriend in head with piece of cement because he “kept following him”

27-year-old Tristian Williams was involved in an altercation with his boyfriend, Malik Wigfall, on Rep John Lewis Way North on August 13th. When officers arrived, Wigfall pointed them to Williams, who was holding a large piece of cement. Officers commanded Williams to drop the cement. Once Williams dropped the piece of cement, officers detained him and placed him in the back of their patrol car. While they were doing this, Wigfall told them that Williams hit him in the head with the piece of cement while they were leaving a parking garage. When officers spoke with Williams about the incident, he admitted to hitting Wigfall with the cement. Williams stated that he did so because Wigfall “Kept following him and was trying to steal his stuff.” Williams was later transported to booking and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon on August 14th.