Casey Vordermark kicked out of Losers Bar in Nashville

25-year-old Casey Vordermark was told to leave Losers Bar in Nashville after becoming a disturbance to other guests, but refused to leave on his own. Security them escorted him outside, at which point he began to fight the security team. Officers arrived and asked the man if he would stop fighting and tell them what was happening, and he just began to yell and curse at officers with slurred words. Without hesitation, he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Tourist sisters brawl in the middle of downtown Nashville — Hannah German arrested

34-year-old Hannah German flagged down police officers in downtown Nashville, reportedly asking for help in detaining her sister, Emma German. A group of citizens near 5th & Broadway were also reporting an assault was occurring between the two sisters. The two had been at Tootsie’s and got into an argument over using a rideshare to return to their hotel. Emma attempted to part ways, however, Hannah grabbed her by the neck twice, refusing to let her leave. During the scuffle, Emma sustained some injuries, including a bloody lip, scratches on her neck and chest, and a broken backpack, which she had been wearing.

Lawrence Rush charged in strangulation of wife after she came home from night of drinking

Vikki Rush says she returned home after being out drinking and found the door was locked, causing her to have to knock until her husband, 61-year-old Lawrence Rush, let her inside. As she moved past him, her purse reportedly hit her husband, and she says he pushed her in response, starting a physical altercation. Vikki told police her husband eventually pushed her to the ground and strangled her, leaving scratch marks on her neck. During the struggle, he reportedly grabbed her by the hair and hit both her head and nose on the floor, which was swollen and had some bleeding.

DUI: Logan McCann crashes car in front of officers in Antioch after ‘one beer’

Metro Nashville Police were investigating an abandoned vehicle near the Bell Rd exit at I-24 when suddenly 29-year-old Logan McCann rear-ended another vehicle in front of officers. He exited his vehicle and stumbled toward officers, and stated he had just been at an East Nashville restaurant where he had consumed 1 beer. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests, and agreed to a blood draw, however, he backed out of that decision once at the hospital. He was also on multiple medications which have warnings against taking with alcohol.

Jordan Durham charged in assault of her boyfriend during knock-down-drag-out

25-year-old Jordan Durham is charged with the domestic assault of her boyfriend, Anthony Keith Phillips, after she says she was attempting to stop him from moving her items out of their shared apartment and caused an injury to his right arm. Both parties agreed that he pushed her away, striking her in the mouth in response, and she claims she was strangled and slammed into the wall. After an investigation by responding officers, Durham was determined to be the primary aggressor due to the severity of the injury, and both parties agreed that she initiated the physical contact.

Juan Andres charged with sexual battery of family friend at death remembrance gathering

Metro Police say 41-year-old Juan Andres was at an Antioch home on March 12 where many friends and family had gathered due to a death in the family. During the evening, everyone present consumed both food and alcohol, resulting in many staying at the residence overnight, including a friend of the family, who is the victim in this case. After the female victim fell asleep on the couch, a family member noticed Juan Andres was seated beside her, with his hand inside the front of her pants. The family member pulled him away from the woman, and police were notified, and the victim was transported to the hospital for evaluation, stating she did not recall the incident. During an interview, Andres admitted to rubbing the victim across her back and buttocks, over her clothes, but “did not recall” if he touched her inside her pants, or not.

Isaac Hope was charged with being too disorderly for downtown Nashville

27-year-old Isaac Hope was warned by officers working downtown to move along about his night and stop causing disturbances with other members of the public, including individuals who were removing trash from the bars just before 2 a.m. Despite several warnings, police found him beating on the car window of one of the workers, attempting to fight him. Both he and his co-defendant, Brandon Beers, were taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct.

Branson Beers had the opportunity, but not the wisdom, to avoid being arrested in downtown Nashville

23-year-old Branson Beers was warned by officers working downtown to stop causing disturbances with other members of the public, including individuals who were removing trash from the bars just before 2 a.m. Despite several warnings, police found him beating on the car window of one of the workers, attempting to fight him. Both he and his co-defendant, Isaac Hope, were taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct.

Cache Handy charged in flower vase assault of her child’s father when she’s accused of cheating

25-year-old Cache Handy was jailed on an outstanding warrant charging her with the domestic assault of her partner, Daviel Grant. He came to the Family Safety Center to report the couple had been arguing most of the prior evening due to him having an appointment and her getting home late due to traffic. At some point, the argument escalated and he says he confronted her about cheating. She reportedly began to throw things around the kitchen and swiped a flower vase from the counter in his direction, which broke and cut his leg, leaving an injury that police documented.