Bad Boosters Busted: Cedriyonna Gaines & Miracle Hall failed at their mission

20-year-old Cedriyonna Krisea Gaines & 20-year-old Miracle Yaquiash-Roshay Hall are each charged with felony theft after they filled up a shopping cart and plastic shopping bags and pushed it all out of the JCPenny store inside Rivergate Mall just after lunch on December 17th. Craig Vogel witnessed them boosting the merchandise and as they were loading the merchandise into a vehicle blocked them in, causing them to flee on foot. A police officer detained them nearby and returned them to the store, where the theft was confirmed on video. The total value of the merchandise was $2,325.00.

Jeremy Morphis faces felony vehicular assault after DUI crash injures passenger

38-year-old Jeremy Morphis told police he consumed “two beers” before crashing his vehicle Sunday night with a passenger, Heather Knalls, inside. Witnesses say he was weaving and suddenly swerved to the left, crashing into the woods. Morphis was transported to the hospital with minor injuries. Knalls, however, suffered a dislocated and fractured hip from the crash. He is charged with DUI and felony vehicular assault. In August, Judge Jennifer Smith gave Morphis a deferred judgment with no conviction for placing a hidden camera in the bathroom of his home to record an underage relative for sexual gratification.

Troinesha Henderson says boyfriend, Famous Kass, brought another woman home… told her to leave

20-year-old Troinesha Henderson says her boyfriend, Nashville rapper Famous Kass (aka Jaylin Patton), brought another girl to their home late Thursday night and told Troinesha she needed to leave. She stayed downstairs after Jaylin went upstairs with the unnamed female. Troinesha was packing her belongings the following morning when she began arguing with Jaylin as he came downstairs to get food. She says she was holding a machete “for self-defense” purposes and began swinging it at Jaylin, leaving some cuts and scratches on him. Jaylin took the blade from her and stored it atop the kitchen cabinets, and placed her outside of the front door, along with all of her belongings, before locking the door. Troinesha called 911, but was also determined to be the primary aggressor and was taken to jail. 

Adam Lowe charged after grabbing his girlfriend by her hair in downtown Nashville

25-year-old Adam Michael Lowe was detained by Jobie Alexander and other citizens in downtown Nashville after he was observed grabbing his girlfriend by the hair. The couple was near 4th & Broadway amid an argument when downtown security officers asked them to move along. Lowe was being belligerent and refusing to go with his girlfriend and others, and that’s when he grabbed her by the hair. He was detained until police arrived, at which point he was taken into custody for domestic assault. 

Jordan Phillips jailed after dancing in the streets of downtown Nashville

21-year-old Jordan Stephen Phillips was dancing in the street in front of Jason Aldean’s Kitchen + Rooftop Bar at 2:39 a.m. Sunday, while a vehicle was attempting to pass by him. Phillips continued to talk on his phone, dance, and obstruct the roadway, despite being asked to get out of the street by officers working the Entertainment District Initiative. Due to his level of intoxication and inability to care for himself, he was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication. 

Michaela Richards bites MNPD officer in the leg, attempts to assault others during arrest

Metro Nashville Police officers working the Entertainment District Initiative in downtown Nashville early Sunday morning were flagged down for a fight near 2nd & Broadway.25-year-old Michaela Richards had approached a vehicle in the roadway and punched the window. Witnesses say she then shoved another female on the sidewalk. Officers say they “corralled” her and took her into custody for public intoxication. While waiting for entry into the jail, Michaela bit an officer on the leg, causing an injury, attempted to bite two more, kicked an officer in the face, and attempted to headbutt an officer. 

Tourist Daniel Leja puts security manager in headlock during Honky Tonk Central brawl

40-year-old Daniel Leja was in a group of “unruly and intoxicated” patrons at Honky Tonk Central in the early hours of Saturday morning who were fighting and causing a ruckus. Security manager Cameron Moores left his office to assist the staff on the floor, and while directing patrons to leave, he was placed in a headlock by Leja. The other staff took Leja to the ground and detained him until police arrived.