Solider Connor Liebergen booted from Play Dance Bar, fights to get back inside

22-year-old Fort Campbell Soldier Connor James Liebergen was kicked out of Play Dance Bar on Church Street in Nashville in the early hours of Sunday morning. Security advised that after they escorted him outside of Nashville’s largest gay dance bar, Liebergen attempted to run back inside and began swinging at members of the security staff. He was detained in cuffs until Metro Nashville Police arrived and transported him to booking.

Anthony Assi pulls pistol on roommate, threatens to kill him over rent money in “slight disagreement”

41-year-old Anthony J. Assi is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after his roommate, Nicolas Renier, says Assi pulled a pistol and threatened to shoot him on November 10th during a disagreement in their garage. Renier says the two were in a “slight disagreement” over money, and he asked Assi to return his $1,400 rent payment, but he would only agree to return $700. Assi went inside the house as if to retrieve the money but returned with a pistol and pointed it directly at Renier, threatening to shoot him. Police arrived and Assi admitted to the felony aggravated assault.

Isaac Jameson busted in underage drunken & drug-induced rampage in downtown Nashville

20-year-old Isaac Jameson faces multiple charges after Metro Nashville Police say admitted to being “on drugs” in addition to underage drinking while in downtown Nashville. Jameson was initially observed stumbling on Broadway when a bouncer from a nearby club advised Jameson was pushing other citizens and accusing one of taking his money.

Jameson attempted to enter multiple downtown bars and was successfully blocked by security until he reached Second Fiddle Saloon, where he was able to push past security and enter the bar area, which is where police caught up with him as he was in a physical fight with bouncers. Body camera footage shows him yelling “f*/k you!” to police as he attempts to pull away from them. He was transported to Metro General for medical clearance, where he continued to resist personnel, and then transported to booking.

Jacob Riley charged after drunkenly disturbing neighbors about a barking dog

28-year-old Jacob Riley is charged with disorderly conduct and public intoxication after police say he was screaming while banging on his neighbor’s door. Officers found him intoxicated in his yard when they arrived at the scene. Other neighbors witnessed the disturbance, which turned out to be over a barking dog. Riley was deemed too intoxicated to be left alone and was transported to booking.

Travon Webb charged with grand theft auto after refusing to identify friends in a stolen vehicle

18-year-old Travon Webb was one of three individuals that fled from a stolen car as police tracked it in the area of Tremont and 15th Ave South on November 7th. Webb was apprehended a short time later and positively identified by a witness as one of the three inside the vehicle. Webb refused to provide police with any information, so he was charged with the theft of the vehicle (over $60,000). He is free on a $12,000 bond.

Robert Charbonneau charged with a cornucopia of drugs during Dickerson Pike traffic stop

A traffic stop on a vehicle traveling 55mph in a 40 mph zone on Dickerson Pike revealed 30-year-old Robert Charbonneau in the passenger seat alongside a female driver. Police say they smelled marijuana coming from the vehicle and conducted a search. While no marijuana was found, Robert’s backpack contained 5 used glass pipes, 10 Suboxone pills, 2 generic Viagra, 1 Trazodone, and 2.4 grams of powder which tested positive for Fentanyl.

Franklin Boykins charged with stolen gun & marijuana after BNA traffic stop

Nashville Airport Police say they observed a tan Plymouth Neon traveling at a high rate of speed with window tint darker than Tennessee law allows. A traffic stop was initiated on the vehicle driven by Hakeem Turnipseed, which revealed 19-year-old Frankin “Big Frank” Boykins was in the passenger seat. Both of the men had identification from the state of Mississippi. Turnipseed told officers he had to urinate, and that was the reason for the high speed. Officers reportedly smelled marijuana, and Boykins handed over a blunt and stated he had a backpack with more marijuana inside. A search of the car and Boykins’s backpack revealed a stolen handgun and 1 oz of marijuana.

Joy Newman storms into her ex’s home, screams she wants the blood of another woman

Let’s set the scene: Claude Hudgens and Jamella Garrett live together in an apartment in Madison. Joy Newman previously lived in the apartment with them. Claude and Joy were previously in a dating relationship. On November 7th, police responded to the apartment after Jamella stated she heard a loud noise at the door, and Claude opened it. 25-year-old Joy Newman pushed her way into the apartment while Claude attempted to restrain her from moving toward Jamella. Joy made her way to the kitchen, where she armed herself with a large kitchen knife for a short time before Claude disarmed her. Joy then got in Jamella’s face while screaming she wanted “her blood!”