Tourist jailed when unable to pay $77 tab at Vibes Bar & Lounge in Nashville — Jose Antonio Tello

Just before closing time on Friday morning, staff at Vibes & Lounge on Demonbreun called police to report 37-year-old Jose Tello was being unruly and was unwilling or unable to pay his $77 bar tab at the venue. They reported he had attempted to “run out” several times but they had so far kept him there. As police arrived they noticed he was very intoxicated and had trouble verbalizing where he was at when asked by officers. He said he was unable to pay his tab, and his card declined when ran by staff. Tello was jailed on the charges of theft of services and public intoxication

MNPD Officer transports armed suspect to jail with their gun he missed during a search — Hannah Forkum, arrested

20-year-old Hannah Forkum was arrested Thursday on a multitude of charges, including auto theft. As Metro Nashville Police Officer Tony Minsing took her into custody, he says he searched her waistband, but not her upper back area. That mistake meant the Ruger LCP .380 she had strapped to the middle of her back wasn’t found, and he cuffed her hands directly below it and placed her into the patrol car for transport to DCSO for booking. When staff at the Sheriff’s office were processing her for booking they discovered the gun strapped to the middle of her back. In addition to her other charges, she now faces a felony charge of introducing a firearm into a penal institution. Disciplinary action is pending against Officer Tony Minsing.

Ramona Lavender: racial slurs, spit, & urine — oh, what a night! #Arrested

Police say 26-year-old Ramona Lavender and her sister were coming home from a bar when they were involved in a crash in Antioch Friday night. She was yelling and screaming at her sibling when police arrived and then turned her outrage toward officers as they asked questions related to the investigation. She then threatened to shoot the other involved driver, Justin Mathias, and shoot up his house. Once in the rear of a patrol car, she screamed racial slurs at officers, covered the car in her spit, and tried to kick out the windows. Once at booking, she spits on several officers, one of them directly in the face, then stated she had to use the restroom, at which point she pulled her pants down and urinated across the seats in the booking area.

Amanda Parker charged with assault of fiance Reid Westerhoff during trip to Nashville

Metro Nashville Police were dispatched to a West Nashville Best Western just before 6 a.m. Saturday after calls came in about a woman screaming. Officers spoke with Amanda Parker, who turned 23-year-old today, who advised she was extremely intoxicated and wasn’t really sure why she was covered in splatter from an alcoholic drink, or why she was arguing with her fiance, Reid Westerhoff. Westerhoff, was presented with visible injuries, explained they had been out at a bar and she came back to the hotel before him, and his later return woke her up. She became upset, swung at him, causing a drink to land on them and all around the room, and left visible marks and scratches on his chest and face. She was determined to be the primary aggressor and taken into custody for domestic assault.

Jon Pullon charged with harassment of ex-girlfriend via phone calls and Amazon gifts

Ashley Hamilton says 32-year-old Jonathon ‘Jon’ Pullon has repeatedly called her since January 6th, 2022, when their relationship ended, despite changing her phone number. In addition to phone calls, he sends unwanted gifts to her address via Amazon delivery that would only have meaning to her. Those have started more recently, causing her to be fearful of escalation as he knows where she lives and works. Pullon is charged with harassment and free on a $1,500 bond.

Ethan Carter charged with public intoxication after refusing to stay away from interstate traffic

Police were investigating a vehicle crash in which 23-year-old Ethan Carter was a passenger. As he exited the vehicle he was obviously intoxicated, and police say he was disorderly during the entire investigation and continuously stumbled into the roadway, into lanes of traffic, and refused to exit the interstate exit-ramp to an area that was safer for pedestrians. He was eventually taken into custody and charged with public intoxication due to his refusal to care for his own safety in his state of intoxication.

Brice Mertiff charged in assault of girlfriend after she leaves him at the Morgan Wallen concert in Nashville.

Erika Dell says she and her boyfriend of the past year, 35-year-old Brice Mertiff, were at the Morgan Wallen concert in Nashville when she left him there and returned to the hotel to go to bed. Once the concert was over and Mertiff returned she says he woke her up by throwing a drink at her, soaking her upper body, upset because she didn’t stay with him. He became so irate that she began to pack her things to leave him at the Grand Hyatt Hotel where they were staying on Broadway. He reportedly tackled her to the ground as she fled to the elevators, and she struck him with a cell phone in self-defense, and a bystander assisted the victim as she was screaming for help with him on top of her. Security footage captured the entire incident and was reviewed. Mertiff was charged with domestic assault and sent home to Pennsylvania on a $2,500 cash bond.