Trio charged after downtown Nashville brawl, including father & son from Alabama

Metro Police say a trio of folks were all fighting the streets of downtown Nashville last weekend, disrupting both traffic and citizens attempting to use the crosswalks. 18-year-old Brody Presnall, of Alabama, told officers 39-year-old David Castillo pushed him and called him names, and that’s why Brody pushed him back and punched him in the face and began to fight, despite officers giving multiple commands to stop. Brody’s father, 44-year-old Clint Presnall, also got involved when he observed his son getting pushed and engaged in the fight with his son against Castillo.

Man pulls gun on girlfriend when phone rings at 3 a.m. — Ralph Frierson arrested

In mid-January, Octavia Evans says she was sleeping at her boyfriend’s house on Bank Street when her phone rang a 3:40 a.m. from a female friend. Her boyfriend, 29-year-old Ralph Frierson, heard her talking and reportedly came into the room demanding to know who she was speaking to, convinced it was another man. She says she explained it was one of her girlfriends, but he pulled out a black handgun and threatened to kill her if she didn’t immediately leave his home. She says as she was grabbing her things he placed the gun to her head and told her to exit via the rear door.

DUI: “Do Thang” arrested after “doing his thing” outside a Nashville Home

Metro Police responded to Raywood Lane after a citizen called in to report a car with a person inside had been parked in front of their home for several hours. Police identified 35-year-old Do Thang inside the vehicle with the keys in the ignition, his belt undone, and his pants unzipped. Officer reported he had snot running down his face and was extremely intoxicated with three open Clubtails Sunny Margarita Cans visible in the car.

Man charged with punching out $12K custom window in downtown Nashville — Justin Bolla

31-year-old tourist Justin Bolla faces a Class C felony vandalism charge after police say he was walking in downtown Nashville when he suddenly punched a hole through the front storefront window of Betty’s Boots on Broadway. Police reviewed security footage and charged the Massachusetts tourist with felony vandalism after the custom window was estimated at $12,000 to repair. His friend with him, Kevin Gately, was additionally charged with public intoxication.