Blake Taylor booked on 2-year-old outstanding trespass warrant from Kid Rock’s bar

24-year-old Blake Taylor was booked this week on an outstanding citation charging him with criminal trespass a Kid Rock’s bar in downtown Nashville after he was kicked out not once, not twice, but three times in the same night in 2019, and continued to return despite being told he was no longer welcome at the venue. Officers issued him a state citation for which he was originally scheduled to appear in April of 2019 but failed to do so. Taylor was booked into the Metro Nashville jail on the outstanding warrant on December 8th and was released on his own recognizance.

Texas Tourist found drunk, disorderly, & trespassing at Nashville Symphony — Mark Alan Richardson

23-year-old Mark Alan Richardson, from Texas, was found yelling and screaming from inside a locked & gated courtyard area of the Nashville Symphony in downtown Nashville. He apparently was unable to get out of the area, and venue security told police they believe he had to scale the eight-foot-tall gates to get stuck inside. Richardson refused to speak to officers and was transported to the Metro Nashville Jail, charged with public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and criminal trespass. He is free on pre-trial release.

Downtown employee charged in attack of TLC Inspector who demanded he wear a mask — Sam Shapiro

24-year-old Samuel Barron Shapiro is charged with felony aggravated assault after a grand jury indicted him on the charge stemming from a mask enforcement encounter in downtown Nashville. Court records show Howard “Butch” Morris, while on duty as a TLC commission inspector in October of 2020 demanded that Metro Nashville police issue a citation to Shapiro, who he says had refused to wear a mask, despite multiple requests from the inspector. Shapiro told officers that Morris had been harassing him, and stated he will hit him if he continues to follow him.

Moments later, the inspector approached Shapiro, and Shapiro swung at him twice, missing the first time, and knocking him to the ground as the second punch landed. As the victim sat up from the blow, Shapiro reportedly used his boot to kick the victim in the head. The case was presented to the Grand Jury in September of 2021, at which time a true bill was returned, and a warrant was issued. Shapiro was booked into jail on the charge on December 8th and is free on a $7,500 bond.

Inspector Morris also once sued a Nashville taxi driver for $250,000 after the driver ran over his foot during an altercation as Morris was chastising the driver about using an incorrect pickup location. That case settled out of court.

Live Nation executive over Ascend Amphitheater charged with DUI — Brian Traeger arrested

41-year-old Brian Traeger, who is president of Live Nation’s Tennessee Bureau, told police he was completely at fault for hitting a parked car while driving his blue Audi A4 Saturday evening in Nashville, claiming he was texting and driving when the accident occurred. Officer say they smelled alcohol coming from Traeger’s breath, and that he was swaying and slurring his words during the interaction. When asked to perform field sobriety tests, Traeger reportedly agreed initially, then retracted his compliance and stated “just take a blood draw because it’s the most accurate”. Traeger was transported to Metro General Hospital for a blood draw and then to the Metro Nashville Jail, where he was charged with driving under the influence. He is free on pre-trial release.

Connor House charged in aggravated assault of two Rebar Midtown bouncers using beer bottle

27-year-old Connor House is free on a $30,000 bond, charged with the felony aggravated assault with a deadly weapon of two bouncers at Rebar Midtown. Shane Jenkins and Noah Cahours say House threw and shattered a beer bottle, causing them both to sustain visible injuries. They detained him after a brief chase, until police arrived.

At the time of this arrest, Connor House was free on a $15,000 bond from A Around the Clock Bonding after causing $17,000 of damage to his parent’s home when they locked him out. At the time of that arrest, he was also free on another $17,000 bond with the same company, after two domestic assaults on his girlfriend.

Intoxicated man destroys musician’s car in downtown Nashville — Michael Strini visits music city

24-year-old Michael Strini was found in Downtown Nashville late Saturday night inside a car that didn’t belong to him, which he had destroyed by smashing the windshield, driver’s window, and mirror. Police say he was sweating profusely on a cool, rainy night, and left multiple dents and bloody body prints on the vehicle. He told police he had been “drinking heavily”, and later posted a $2,000 cash bond. Strini recently moved to Spring Hill, TN, where he noted on social media he was “visiting Nashville for a few months”.

Brawling Bros arrested after Broadway tussle — Travis Santos & Di’on King

20-year-old Di’on Lovell King of Nashville, and 32-year-old Travis Chas Santos, of Oakley, California, brawled on Broadway in September. Both parties were arrested by Metro Nashville Police. While it was unsure who started the initial argument, King claims Santos “walked up on him”. Officers had to pull Santos off of King. Both were charged with disorderly conduct. Neither party sought assault charges on the other.