Man pulls gun on girlfriend when phone rings at 3 a.m. — Ralph Frierson arrested

In mid-January, Octavia Evans says she was sleeping at her boyfriend’s house on Bank Street when her phone rang a 3:40 a.m. from a female friend. Her boyfriend, 29-year-old Ralph Frierson, heard her talking and reportedly came into the room demanding to know who she was speaking to, convinced it was another man. She says she explained it was one of her girlfriends, but he pulled out a black handgun and threatened to kill her if she didn’t immediately leave his home. She says as she was grabbing her things he placed the gun to her head and told her to exit via the rear door.

Midtown man charged in assault of boyfriend after drinking — Brett Curtis Finch arrested

Police say Jeremy Bauer told his boyfriend, 40-year-old Brett Finch, to “go to bed and stop arguing” after dinner and drinks. That’s when Bauer says Finch struck him in the face, causing a laceration to his lip. Police responded to the scene, and documented visible scratches on the victim’s neck and discovered a cracked screen on the victim’s phone, which Brett reportedly threw to the ground. Police issued two warrants for the arrest of Finch, as he had already fled the scene, and he was booked into the Metro Jail this week.

Mt. Juliet man charged after being drunk & disorderly in downtown Nashville — Justin Lopez

Metro Police say they were dealing with a separate incident at 310 Broadway in downtown Nashville when 29-year-old Justin Lopez inserted himself into the situation and became incredibly agitated and became aggressive toward one of the involved parties. Police attempted to stop him as he aggressively approached them, but he tried to force his way past officers. That’s when they realized how extremely intoxicated he was, and took Lopez into custody.

DUI driver hits two cars without stopping after either crash — Samantha Whitten

30-year-old Samantha Whitten faces multiple charges after police say she struck at least two vehicles and fled both scenes Monday night in Nashville. Once police caught up with her, she advised she had consumed “several” beers. Luckily, no one was injured in either vehicle she hit. She was transported to booking and charged with DUI, failure to give information/aid, violation of the implied consent law, and two counts of leaving the scene of an accident.

DUI: “Do Thang” arrested after “doing his thing” outside a Nashville Home

Metro Police responded to Raywood Lane after a citizen called in to report a car with a person inside had been parked in front of their home for several hours. Police identified 35-year-old Do Thang inside the vehicle with the keys in the ignition, his belt undone, and his pants unzipped. Officer reported he had snot running down his face and was extremely intoxicated with three open Clubtails Sunny Margarita Cans visible in the car.

Yet another drunk tourist arrested for public intoxication in downtown Nashville — Kevin Gately

30-year-old Kevin Gately was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail for public intoxication this weekend after he was with his friend, Justin Bolla, who punched out the front window of Betty’s Boots on Broadway. As officers attempted to make contact with the pair, Gately was also extremely intoxicated and continued to be unable to care for himself in public.

Man charged after threatening to show sex-tape to ex-girlfriend’s co-workers — Donald Wilson

44-year-old Donald Maurice Wilson was booked into the Metro Nashville Jail Monday after his ex-girlfriend, Paula Bail, reported she received a text message from Wilson which contained an adult intimate video of them together, with threats to show up to her workplace and show the video to her co-workers. She says when the recording was made she noticed he held up a phone, but says he told her he wasn’t recording.

Wilson is charged with unlawful photography and is free on a $1,000 bond.

19-year-old tourist drunk and disorderly at downtown Nashville Bar — Michael McGibney

19-year-old Michael McGibney was found at AJ’s Good Time Bar in downtown Nashville, heavily intoxicated. Employees report he had been in a fight, and informed police, who attempted to allow medics to transport him to the hospital, but he refused all treatment.

Due to his extreme state of drunkenness, he was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.