Fitness Trainer Dominic Lambert refuses to stop contacting woman who isn’t interested in him

23-year-old Dominic Eugene Lambert is charged with violating an order of protection and is free after posting a $2,000 bond. Court records show he met Morgan Anne Heath-Powers at Vanderbilt University, where they became friends, and he eventually showed a romantic interest in her, which wasn’t mutual. She told him to cease all contact, and he continued, even after being served with an order of protection, making further contact illegal. Details in the story…

David Tabora pushes pregnant sister in smelly situation

19-year-old David Tabora is charged with the domestic assault of his pregnant sister, Melissa Tabora, after a rancid situation ended in him pushing her. Melissa says she is currently pregnant and extremely sensitive to smells. She also says her brother David hasn’t been showering regularly. When he entered the kitchen, she covered her nose to avoid getting nauseous. This offended David, who began a verbal argument. Their mother attempted to diffuse the situation, and David began to argue with her. When Melissa began recording with her cell phone, she says David attempted to grab her phone and pushed her one time before retreating to his room.

DUI: Cindy Matlock Brown blows 0.234% BAC after East Nashville crash with injuries

61-year-old Cindy Matlock Brown rear-ended another vehicle on Gallatin Pike late Sunday evening, sending that driver to the hospital with injuries. Brown admitted to having “2 glasses of wine” while at a friend’s home in Donelson, and she was trying to make it back to her home near Belmont but got lost on the way home. She appeared not to know where she was, was unsteady on her feet, and was generally visibly intoxicated. She blew a 0.234% BAC on a breathalyzer, which is nearly three times the legal limit to drive in Tennessee.

DUI: Parker Chittenden charged after driving wrong way on Murfreesboro Pike overnight

Police say 27-year-old Parker Chittenden was driving on the wrong side of Murfreesboro Pike, which is divided by a grassy median, in the early hours of Monday morning. A traffic stop was conducted, and it was immediately apparent to officers that Chittenden was heavily intoxicated. He initially admitted to consuming “two drinks” but later amended it to “four drinks” prior to driving. Police say he was both talkative and crying during their interaction. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was charged with DUI. He later blew a 0.112% BAC on a breathalyzer.

Andrew McSkimming punches Uber driver in both heads

25-year-old Andrew McSkimming is charged with the assault of his Uber driver, Abdelshahid Bishwy Bahgatayyad, after he punched him in the face and then punched him in the balls. The victim says they had arrived at the dropoff location, and McSkimming was extremely intoxicated and when he was asked to get out of the Uber, McSkimming punched the driver in the face.

Both parties then exited the vehicle as McSmimming began to hit the vehicle with his fists. McSkimming then punched the victim in the groin with his fist. Officers were issuing Andrew McSkimming a state citation for assault when he became combative with officers and continued his threatening behavior. They placed him into custody and transported him to booking.

Bounced from Redneck Riviera, Jason Arwood climbs onto ‘Hell on Wheels’ military party bus

43-year-old Jason Arwood was being kicked out of Redneck Riviera on Broadway just after 7:30 p.m. Saturday in downtown Nashville. Officers were patrolling the area when they observed him just outside the bar, where he picked up food and began to throw it around as various things. Still in a rage, Arwood then ran up to the “Hell on Wheels” military party bus, climbing onto the side of it. Officers took control of the man and took him into custody for public intoxication.

Dalton Holdman charged with DUI after Saturday crash

27-year-old Dalton Holdman was involved in a car crash Saturday and, when asked what happened, told police he didn’t remember and that everything was “still a blur.” He reportedly reeked of alcohol and had slurred speech during his interactions with officers. Inside the car, officers found an open beer can with only a small amount of liquid remaining inside. He was transported to Vanderbilt for minor injuries and later charged with driving under the influence (DUI).