Woman assaults ex when she finds him drawing nude model at art studio, destroys art — Darian Morris arrested

Police say 29-year-old Darian Nicole Morris forced her way into a Madison art studio after an event had just ended which featured artists and a nude model. Witnesses say she forced her way into the Sometimes Social studio, which is owned by her ex-boyfriend, Ryan Michael Noble. She then headbutted him and destroyed his completed drawing by ripping it into pieces.

DUI: Clayton Thomas Brown says he “had a few” & police find him with open Bow Echo IPA

A concerned citizen called Metro Police about a man driving a white Mercedes SUV who they believed to be intoxicated in the Cookout parking lot on Gallatin Pike. Police made contact with the driver, 36-year-old Clayton Thomas Brown, who was still in the driver’s seat with the engine running and observed an open Bow Echo IPA beer in the cupholder. He admitted to having “a few beers”, and was taken into custody. Brown refused all field sobriety, breath, and blood tests.

Woman arrested after fighting strangers in Broadway brawls — Secret Eisenschmidt

28-year-old Secret Eisenschmidt was caught on camera assaulting another female on Broadway in downtown Nashville late Wednesday night. When officers arrived she was obviously extremely intoxicated, according to a report, and witnesses described the fights she had been in with several people, including the one in the video. with no one wishing to press charges for the assaults, she was charged with public intoxication for her own safety.

Titans fan arrested after attempting to bite hospital staff after ambulance ride from game — Luke Lacefield

27-year-old Luke Lacefield was transported from Nissan Stadium during the Titans Game, and upon arrival at St. Thomas Midtown, ED staff observed his extreme level of intoxication as he had to be restrained to a hospital bed due to his yelling, screaming, and making threats to of harm to hospital staff.

He reportedly attempted to bite a female member of the security staff who was attempting to restrain him. Lacefield told police he has no memory of the incident.

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