Troy Smith leaves wet spot on his lover after assault in Nashville hotel

James Shardale Taylor says his lover, 23-year-old Troy Smith, tossed a duffle bag containing his cell phone off of the 5th-floor balcony of their West End hotel late Saturday evening. The two had been arguing as Troy wanted to visit a shopping mall, and James did not want to go. Troy reportedly became “erratic,” causing James to record the interaction. When James said he wanted to level the hotel room, he says Troy told him he would have to fight him to leave the room. He then reportedly snatched the phone away from James and attacked him, strangling him and leaving him with visible injuries to his neck. Troy also poured a beer onto James, leaving him with a wet spot on his shirt. Police arrived and took Troy into custody. The cell phone was retrieved and was damaged as a result of the fall.

Mikel Hawkins charged after attempting to prevent woman from getting medical care

Police say 52-year-old Mikel Ray Hawkins came out of Rippy’s Honky Tonk in downtown Nashville Friday evening with a female, and officers observed they were overly intoxicated. Officers approached the pair and asked them to arrange a ride home via rideshare for their own safety. As they were speaking, the female fell to the ground. Medics were called to the scene and attempted to evaluate the woman, but Mikel refused to allow any treatment and continued to attempt to grab the woman from the ground and leave. Due to his level of intoxication and interference with the situation, Hawkins was taken into custody and charged with public intoxication.

Jennifer Finch kicked out of Nashville hotel for being too drunk

Security at the Home2 Suites by Hilton near Vanderbilt in Nashville say 29-year-old Jennifer Finch was extremely intoxicated and refused to leave a room on the property. Police arrived, and Finch agreed to leave to avoid jail, and officers followed her to the main lobby door near the sidewalk. When she was told she could not leave in her vehicle due to her level of intoxication, Finch refused to walk away. Finch was unable to locate anyone to pick her up or arrange travel to an alternate location, despite multiple attempts. With nowhere else to go, officers took her into custody and charged her with public intoxication.

John Wiggins charged with downtown DUI on Broadway after “two drinks”

Police say 61-year-old John Erik Wiggins was driving on Broadway in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Saturday morning when they observed him swerving between lanes. A traffic stop was initiated, and Wiggins was reportedly visibly intoxicated and reeked of alcohol. He admitted to consuming “two drinks” prior to driving. He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was transported to booking, charged with DUI.

Jill Harp to West End Hotel: “I’m staying here, with or without a room!”

43-year-old Jill Harp was found in the lobby of the Graduate Nashville Hotel near Vanderbilt in the early morning hours of January 6. Police say she was not a guest of the hotel, and security had asked her to leave the property multiple times. Harp reportedly told security she needed a place to sleep and was going to stay at the hotel “with or without a room!” As officers arrived to take her into custody for criminal trespass, she slipped her handcuffs once inside the patrol car, and she maneuvered in a way that allowed her to attempt to kick out the back window during transport to booking.

Steven Zierke strangles his wife twice after leaving Monster Jam in Nashville

After leaving Monster Jam Saturday night, 32-year-old Steve Zierke was driving back to Antioch with his wife, Christine McGarry Zierke, in the passenger seat. While he was driving, Steven reportedly reached over and grabbed his wife by the neck in anger. Once they arrived at their Post Oak Drive residence, Christine was sitting on the couch when she said Steve once again reached over and grabbed her by the neck, this time using both hands. She states she was unable to breathe during the strangulation. Officers observed redness and markings on the victim’s neck and took Steven into custody.

Lindsay Lyons says “take me to jail!” after being kicked out of FGL House in downtown Nashville

35-year-old Lindsay Lyons was kicked out of the FGL House bar in downtown Nashville in the early hours of Sunday morning due to her behavior but refused to leave the property. Metro Nashville Police Officers arrived at the location, and she continued to refuse to leave. Officers asked one last time for her to arrange a rideshare or way home, and Lyons reportedly told police, “take me to jail!” while screaming profanities at them. Due to her obvious state of intoxication and refusal to cooperate for her own safety, she was transported to booking and charged with public intoxication.

Austin Harrison charged in brutal assault of girlfriend, strangles her unconscious, drags her by hair

23-year-old Austin Harrison was jailed this week on an outstanding felony warrant charging him with aggravated assault/strangulation. Elizabeth Egan says her boyfriend, Austin, had locked her out of their shared residence, and an argument continued as he let her back inside. He reportedly punched her and knocked her onto the ground before getting on top of her and strangling her until she lost consciousness. When she came to, Egan says she was being dragged by her hair into another room. When he realized she was conscious again, he continued the assault and strangled her a second time. During a struggle, she was able to kick him in the face twice, after which he stood up, walked upstairs, and fell asleep or passed out across the bed. Officers observed multiple injuries to the victim. [WARNING: images and video in the story are graphic]

Jaden Winsor fights with bouncers after kicked from Whisky Row bar in Nashville

Police say tourist Anthony Jaden Winsor was in a physical altercation with a bouncer at Whisky Row in downtown Nashville just before 1 a.m. Saturday. Officers observed the fight and intervened, separating both parties. Winsor showed signs of extreme intoxication and reeked of alcohol. As officers attempted to take Jade Winsor into custody for public intoxication, he pulled his arms away and flailed about with his arms and legs. After a brief struggle, he was taken into custody and transported to jail.